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Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Sachidananda, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. #1 Sachidananda, Dec 1, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2011
    He's said it. He WILL see to it that states have the right to choose how drug laws are handled, including marijuana, medical marijuana and industrial hemp for non-medical uses.

    Ron Paul is a true OG freedom fighter. His efforts for freedom of choice should be rewarded with showers of our love and respect. He is not afraid to speak about issues such as this that tend to make him unpopular with the conservative right.

    GC has nearly half a million members. If everyone voted for him, it would really send an important message: We want it legalized. We are not fucking criminals and we deserve to not have to live in fear or doubt of our rights. It's a fucking plant. It was legal and able to be utilized for its unique properties for thousands upon thousands of years worldwide. It's time for change!

    (please don't respond to this with anything like: "Ron Paul can't win" or "Ron Paul can't beat the other candidates" or "I love Ron Paul, but I'd be throwing away my vote if I voted for him", as these sentiments are grossly un-American. The political institutions of the United States were designed to ensure that your vote counts. It is a sad fucking cop-out to vote for someone just because you think they're going to win anyway...or the notion that you can keep someone you don't like out of office by voting for another. This is the very definition of your vote not counting and perhaps most importantly--gives the political community a false sense of what their public cares about.)
  2. Lets do it, we need a REAL change in this world.. that would make a huge impact should be sick!
  3. let's do it!
  4. we have to. What the fuck else do we have to do?!
  5. maybe we should all change our signatures to some Ron Paul legalize it shit!
  6. Not true from what I'm aware. At least in the way you're stating it.

    He believes that all states should have the right to decide their own laws on this subject rather than the federal government. So essentially he wants to take drug law out of the federal government. He has said that he would pardon all non-violent drug offenders.

    So, heroin and other hard drugs would most likely stay illegal everywhere, but drugs like marijuana would be decided upon by the states and it would no longer be a schedule 1 drug.
  7. [quote name='"Workethic"']Not true from what I'm aware. At least in the way you're stating it.

    He believes that all states should have the right to decide their own laws on this subject rather than the federal government. So essentially he wants to take drug law out of the federal government. He has said that he would pardon all non-violent drug offenders.

    So, heroin and other hard drugs would most likely stay illegal everywhere, but drugs like marijuana would be decided upon by the states and it would no longer be a schedule 1 drug.[/quote]

    Still, look up his views and consider voting for the Dr. He's the only sane candidate :)

  8. Oh, fuck yea. I support him 100% and hope he's elected. I was just stating how he doesn't necessarily support legalization of hard drugs, because that misconstrued view sometimes shows him in a bad light.
  9. Haha I know, I meant this as in you are correct, that was directed to the thread in general

    Attached Files:

  10. you're right, my bad! well, I pretty much botched this thread.
  11. Although he supports legalization, Ron Paul is insane.
  12. I don't think the political community gives a rat's ass what you and I think about anything. The way all the other candidates are fucking themselves over RP looks like he has a better chance than I thought...
  13. [quote name='"Jhacob"']Although he supports legalization, Ron Paul is insane.[/quote]

    How so?
  14. I hope that all the people wake up and start listening to him. The mainstream media hates him. On youtube there are some videos that have been banned from fox and cnn. The powers that be fear him.

    He wants to give us liberty once more. He wants to make this country great again.

    We all need to tell everyone about him. Tell them to watch the youtube videos, any of them. People will see for themselves. Then they will have to vote for him!
  15. Ron Paul 2012 FTW!
  16. He also supports peace.. which is why he won't be elected
  17. [quote name='"Workethic"']Not true from what I'm aware. At least in the way you're stating it.

    He believes that all states should have the right to decide their own laws on this subject rather than the federal government. So essentially he wants to take drug law out of the federal government. He has said that he would pardon all non-violent drug offenders.

    So, heroin and other hard drugs would most likely stay illegal everywhere, but drugs like marijuana would be decided upon by the states and it would no longer be a schedule 1 drug.[/quote]

    Good enough for me. He's got my vote :wave:
  18. [quote name='"420maus"']

    Good enough for me. He's got my vote :wave:[/quote]

    Scary way of voting
  19. [quote name='"cookiepookie"']

    Scary way of voting[/quote]

    Better than not voting like I've done for the past two terms. Now there is a candidate worth voting for. Every president and candidates for president after Clinton have been garbage. This country would come out of debt if they tax weed and sell it legally or medically. Look at California, they're out of there own state debts now because of the way they handled the whole weed thing.
  20. see my sig. lol.

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