Rome was not built in a day. Ron Paul is just the first step in aquiring the true essence of humanity. If he does not win, it won't matter at all. The world knows about him and his message, his works WILL inspire others and motivate highly influential individuals to step out and speak their mind. Your efforts are not in vain my friends, lets do our best for Ron Paul and if he does not succeed, atleast the world has heard of his message. Either way, we will have won.
True that no matter the out come Ron Paul has been very successful at spreading the message of freedom and liberty. However If he is not elected I fear the USA will continue its BS spending and the dollar will collapse as the worlds reserve currency and the USA as we know it will no longer exist. That is anything but a victory for we the people.
[quote name='"trixman22"'] True that no matter the out come Ron Paul has been very successful at spreading the message of freedom and liberty. However If he is not elected I fear the USA will continue its BS spending and the dollar will collapse as the worlds reserve currency and the USA as we know it will no longer exist. That is anything but a victory for we the people.[/quote] The US ceasing to exist as we know it would be the best thing for this country. We need to just rid our selves of every asshole in the government, and start new following the constitution, and take out all those bullshit amendments. I think the only way for this country to be once again prosperous is for our economy an country to completely collapse. Otherwise, your average citizen is going to sit by idly doing nothing but complaining. When shit hits the fan like the 1930s, we won't just take it like our grandparents and great grandparents did.
Tell me about it now its painful when I hear family members or shit on the TV spewing statist propoganda. One look at Obama or any of the other Republican Presidential candidates gives me stomach ache. Just the idiocy.
how is his message getting out when the media ignores him? whats he gotta do get the army marching in DC for him? oh wait
[ame=]Is There Hope for Liberty in Our Lifetime? | Jacob Huebert - YouTube[/ame]
IMO he doesn't have a chance. He is the way. I love Ron Paul and if I were rich I'd personally fund his campaign.