Ron Paul Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Politics' started by windchime159, Oct 7, 2010.

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    Ron Paul has such an un-Presidential face, lol :D

  2. Get him one of those fancy wigs and i bet it will look better!!!

    While you at it you can take Lincoln off all together and replace him with RP .... no skin off my back.

  3. Nope, It'd have to go through me first.
  4. the only thing i cannot reconcile with ron paul are his pro-life views and his views on gay marriage.

    i was told he was pro-life and anti-gay marriage if this is untrue please tell me. however ill prob vote for him anyway it just kind of sucks because in almost every way he is for giving americans the most personal freedom possible.

    But when it comes to woman having the freedom to choose he says no.

    And when it comes to gays having the right to marry who they will he says no.

    kinda sad :cry:
  5. well i can understand him being pro-life, considering the amount of babies he's delivered.. i imagine its influenced his opinions a bit

    he's also opposed to having government be involved with all marriage anyway, so w/e
  6. I've always had a tough time taking a stance on the abortion issue even though I'm not at all religious, and I'm very liberal on all other social issues.
  7. same here, maybe i haven't put enough thought on the subject. however i believe the government shouldn't prohibit abortion, anyways people would still get them. probably wouldnt be safe to get an abortion in a black market...

    i think i remember Ron Paul saying that he is personally opposed to abortions, but that he would not use the government to choose for you. also, i think he is very christian, but hes religion wouldn't influence his policy. i cant find the vid where i heard this...
  8. It's hard to pick a side because both have good reasons for them. I'm personally leaning towards pro-life but I don't know how fair it is to push that on other people. I think at least second and third trimester abortions should be outlawed. If you can't make up your mind during the first trimester whether to keep the baby then you should just have it.
  9. #110 Arteezy, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    He wants to leave these sorts of issues to the states (read: 10th amendment of the US Constitution).

    He is a social conservative in the sense that he doesn't like abortion or same-sex marriage, but he doesn't want to force his views on other people through the federal government.

    Paul is a constitutionalist in the sense that he actually believes in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution (see: enumerated powers).

    On the topic of abortion: I don't think prohibiting it is a realistic option, but I am against late-term abortions except in cases where the mother's life is in danger. In all fairness, this is a medical issue and should be treated as such. If someone wants to question the actions of a specific doctor and mother, that is fine, but simply taking a big brush and declaring all abortions after X weeks as immoral is stupid.
  10. mkay good now i feel much more comfortable voting for him :) :smoke:
  11. Really hope he decides to run in 2012.
  12. Ron Paul is such an badass. He always just gets in front of a group of people that probably want him dead and calls them out on everything they do wrong.
  13. So where does Ron Paul fit into all of that^ :confused:
  14. Good advertising for Ron Paul :D
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  17. #119 morefreedom, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Props on the above pic, the USA is pretty fucked.

    Go Ron Paul! The nation needs to be governed by the Constitution, not special interests. Some special interests are ok, but when the whole entire government is run entirely by special interests, shit gos down.
  18. Never trust a man who has two first names.


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