Ron and Rand Paul Introduce Audit The Fed Bill: ROUND 2!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CannabisInCanada, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Ron and Rand Paul Introduce "Audit the Fed" Legislation in House and Senate HR 459 & S 202 | Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

  2. Does anyone else find is very strange that Ron Paul freely and openly speaks about the federal reserve almost like he has no idea the powers he is up against? He must know how ruthless they are and the danger hes putting himself in.

    I dont know how he's been allowed to go on for so long about it, I really think he could be part of some sort of controlled opposition. Just when people have started to question the federal reserve he has popped up to "lead the way."
  3. Stop assuming, read his books and then tell me how controlled you think he is. ;)

    He was the fringe single vote in congress forever. He was never a threat until 2007/8 when he tapped into the tension of the public with the current machine. He's too big to touch at this point. It would be too obvious.

  4. Here we fucking go .... prepare to put on the tin foil hats ladies and gentleman.
  5. I hope they are successful and don't end up in some plane crash, "accident."

    If anything happens to the Paul's, hopefully Americans won't keep their heads in the sand any longer...

  6. Yeah dude it is very strange he's still around and breathing and speaks so freely about it. You dont think so?
  7. Everyone whom mentions the fed gets assassinated? :confused:
  8. Oh he does a lot more than that.

  9. The ones who REALLY hate the fed, have...yes.

  10. [​IMG]

  11. [​IMG]
  12. No, but I'm sure they're willing to hire assassins to take out people who try to introduce legislation that would fuck with the dynamics of their 100+ year old business plan. Imagine being the son of a man who, in a long chain over several generations, inherited shares in the corporation that prints money for the United States government ... would you really just step aside? These are businessmen we're talking about. If you think politicians are dirty, you should see what someone with infinitely-deep pockets is willing to do to protect his investment.

    The Federal Reserve has never been audited before, because nobody has the authority to. It was explicitly made this way for a very good reason - the Fed can print however much money it wants and loan it to whomever it wants, and nobody can do anything about it, not even try to find out. Of course you won't get assassinated if you talk about the Fed... everyone knows about it, but they don't quite understand how it works. Bernanke is good at giving a lot of fluff under pressure, and so he manages to take up a lot of time beating around the bush. He gets his ass handed to him in hearings allllll the time, all day long :cool:
  13. I don't understand why no one has repealed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?

    Does anyone even like Woodrow Wilson? What a dick!
  14. Maybe it's the fact he's 103 year old geyser and just doesn't give a fuck.

    If this is the case why wasn't he assassinated a day after JFK? I mean, he wanted that same thing, right?


  15. i heard once that on his death bed WW lamented allowing the fed into power.....too fucking late douche bag

  16. JFK had signed an executive order creating the greenback, or money that is actually created by the government, and not loaned to the government at interest. Ron Paul didn't do that, so he really wasn't a threat. His threat level is increasing though, so I guess we'll find out sooner or later, or maybe we'll never know.

    All I do know is that I really hope the bill gets through. Would Obama veto it though? That'd be nuts.
  17. Even he does veto it, it still has go through the house of senate and some other things too, its been too long since I took political class.

  18. If he does veto it, I hope the remaining koolaid drinkers on here will stop putting their faith in his empty suit.

  19. Which, I doubt will happen. Last time he got a TON of co-sponsors but the Dems were really the ones who killed it. Who is for the little guy again and who is for the big bankers? :confused:

  20. i can't remember...let me go check MSN....oh yeah.

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