The pick of Paul Ryan as the VP was, once again, a desperate attempt from the Republican camp to pick a running mate that would silence the fools from the far right. Once again, this election cycle, the Republican strategists, although telling their candidate to oppose MJ, MUST have been smoking something! Although Ryan will appeal to the wingnuts of the party, somehow it seems that they forgot the biggest voting block in this county, Seniors. Seniors are known to oppose Ryan as he wants to dismantle Social Security as it is. Remember how far Bush got with this?
The moment Obama was on the hot mic telling France he has more "room to move" or whatever after "the elections" is a clear and frank case of "I know I'm going to win"
Thus was the plan from the beginning. Obama advances the neocon agenda with the support of the fake left in the msm. Fox News is just controlled (loyal) opposition. @tflga It was the missile shield against Russia he was referring to. [ame][/ame]
Willard never really had a chance. He is wildly unpopular, even among Republicans. Unless Obama gets caught fondling a kid or trying to buy a key of cocaine or something, he's going to win this election.
Even then. It would be a collateral damage rape case in which Obama was trying to save the USA from terrorism. Key of cocaine? No biggie hes the first black president remember!!!11!!!1!!!!!!
What does it say about voters that 'the powers that be' don't even have to come up with new ideas to fool them into believing there's still hope? A new kind of president...2000 [ame=]The George Bush You Forgot - YouTube[/ame] Someone to stop the tyrant!...2004 [ame=]2004 DemConvention Speeches: John Kerry - YouTube[/ame] A new kind of president...2008 [ame=]Barack Obama Speech "Our Moment Is Now!" - YouTube[/ame] Someone to stop the tyrant!...2012 [ame=]Watch Mitt Romney Speak at CPAC 2012- YouTube[/ame]
Yeah I don't understand this decision, just proves to me Romney no way in hell would have backed up his promise to cut the deficit like he says he will. And I'd rather four years of Obama than eight years without having a viable conservative option (I think the only hope of any real change is from the Republican Party since not enough people care enough to actually realize the difference between the Republicans and Democrats is like the difference between an android and an iPhone. They offer slight differences but ultimately fulfill the exact same function and do the same thing.) I just don't see Paul Ryan attracting anyone they couldn't get already. He is a guy who says he wants to lower the deficit. He does this by saying he wants to get rid of medicare so there goes the undecided senior vote and some of the liberal leaning independents who didn't like Obama. And, Ryan says he wants the deficit cut yet he continually has voted for spending increases including an $8 billion increase to the defense budget. There goes the libertarians that for some reason wanted to believe in Romney and it just sends the people already set to vote for a third party even further outside, since these people actually do their research. Basically, Romney clinched the loss of far more votes than he won over with this choice. He would have been better off picking some random Republican because now he has no chance of winning... sad that I would guarantee Ron Paul would poll far better than Romney if pitted head to head with Obama yet that's something that will never be taken seriously.
Ron Paul would beat Obama in a head to head race. The entire world would witness Obama get raped in debate after debate. It wouldn't even be a close race imo. People are just ignorant. If Ron Paul were given the same public stage as Obama, that ignorance would be washed away and Obama's failures would be clearly exposed, something Romney (or any other neocon) can never do since he supports most of those same failed policies.
But Ron Paul destroyed the rest of the Republicans in the primary debates and won over the crowd yet nobody really cared. If Romney or Santorum or whoever else got the kinds of cheers Paul did, they would be running away with this thing. Just unfortunate that there aren't enough people who care enough to do their own research and enough politicians who aren't corrupt and completely partisan.
the only way to fix this nation is to eliminate campaign funding. There should be a tax that goes to the presidential campaign every 4 years in which each party gets the same amount. Debates will be on free public channels and radio once a week for 6 months leading up to election time. No more adds, slanders, ect. there will be 3 candidates to choose from, Democrat, Republican, and a 3ed party voted in by the American people every election season. Birth Records and Tax returns must be mandatory for each candidate No more electoral college, use popular vote.
While i have seen the label statist thrown around in this forum quite liberally and would generally avoid using it myself, I fail to see how anyone who disagrees with this statement is anything but a statist. You're not going to fix this country by fucking the poor. You're not going to fix this country by fucking the rich. But if you give the power back to the American people, we just might be headed in the right direction. You can be sure as hell there would be no Romney or Obama on the ballot.
Oh, I know. But he can't really participate unless he wins the primaries and that is a huge obstacle. What we need is enough people to vote for Gary Johnson because Paul is unfortunately done. But, what he did was absolutely huge and this was the perfect time to make a run like he has. He woke a lot of people up and if we can use this momentum and keep going, I can see a third party being a viable candidate by 2020. May be a long time to wait but it's worth it. I just wish Ron Paul wasn't as old as he is
No. The media doesn't approve of Paul, therefore the general public will never approve of Paul. The debates couldn't matter less, what really matters is the media's portrayal of the candidates. Every time Paul gets an inch ahead of his competition, the media exploits his glass jaws, the racist newsletter scandal and his opposition to social programs for the elderly. Either of those weaknesses alone would be enough to kill any hope he'd ever have of winning, just as they have in the past republican primaries.
No they wouldn't. The media would have far, far less control if it was head to head between Obama and Paul. What do you think will happen? Fox News coming out and endorsing Obama over Paul? I don't think so. No, liberty would prevail.
You do realize this is by design, right? Romney and Obama are candidates chosen by the Elite Banks. The system knows that either way, they have a puppet on their team to continue the agenda, and Obama is still very popular among the youth, and women especially. Obama is the more favored candidate among the people than Mittens, although he and Romney are both hated pretty bad generally. Now, since the corporate media is able to shape the opinions of the people, they use their widespread programming to sway the people into favoring a particular candidate (Obummer). Releasing negative press related to Romney, and continuing the Obama celebrity status, Dancing with the stars, the view, jimmy kimmel, magazine covers,ect. They are both just actors, on the same team. It doesn't matter who wins, whoever it is just acts and smiles and waves and says soundbites. Hell, Obama could get a golden globe for god's sake, he's such a great puppet : /.... However, the electoral college ultimately picks the winner, and they have it in their back pockets. Remember 2000? ; ) My hopes, is that people will wake up and realize that theres no change on either side, and that we need to topple the whole fucking system, and put someone WE want in place.