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Romancing Mary Jane: A Year in the Life of a Failed Marijuana Grower (Paperback)

Discussion in 'Books on Growing Cannabis' started by Superjoint, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. #1 Superjoint, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2013

    Romancing Mary Jane: A Year in the Life of a Failed Marijuana Grower[​IMG]

    Product Description
    This is an intimate, funny, and eye-opening account of ten months in the life of a neophyte marijuana grower. Entering middle age, Michael Poole decides to retire from the film industry. He moves to British Columbia and throws himself wholeheartedly into marijuana cultivation, thinking that he'll make a bundle. Along the way, he experiences all the paranoia and other vagaries of the pot farming subculture. Romancing Mary Jane is an engaging blend of metaphysics, marijuana, and midlife crisis.

    Romancing Mary Jane: A Year in the Life of a Failed Marijuana Grower[​IMG]

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