Roly poly/sow bug

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Josh Jones, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. I have 2 seedlings outside, and i'm just wondering if i should be worried about these bugs. I've seen afew of them around. I had 3 seendlings, and i came out one morning and the plant was completely laid down and died.

  2. does it look like somethings eating your plants? or did the one just die?
  3. As far as I know, sowbugs only eat dead, deteriorating matter. It is more likely that your dead plant attracted the sowbugs than that the sowbugs caused the dead plant! :p

    How big was the plant? And is it on the ground where an animal like a dog or some other wild animal that lives in your area could have stepped on it/knocked it over?

    I like to put a small fence around tiny plants outside until they get bigger so animals will go around instead of walking on them. :)

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