Rolling papers? What do you use?

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by MotherOcean, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Hey GC

    So I'm wondering what kinda papers people use and what kinda blunt wraps you use?

    I just bought big bambu's on accedent I didn't even know that they made papers that big, so tell us what size you use too!

    I use bambu and zigzag and royal blunt wraps-- say the cigar wrap you use if you do it that way.

    Let's do this
  2. i always use these hemp papers idk if they got em near u but they sell them in my tobacco store so they prolly got em.
  3. zigzags/job. blunt wraps are a big nono, swishers only.
  4. Orange pack of zig zag's for J's
    Dutch Masters original for blunts.
  5. Zigzag Ultrathins. Those are my first choice, but really, any type will do. Don't really do blunt wraps, but as far blunts go, I roll exclusively with Green Game. May ditch it if something better comes along.
  6. Randy's Wired Wraps.

    Invisibles: honey or blueberry flavor

    Hemp papers, no glue, King size. always gotta roll up them 3-4g torches with the homies
  7. ZigZag 1 1/4 Slow Burning, Swishers
  8. I usually smoke out of glass. I used to use the zig zag ultra thins. But then i discovered DLX rice papers. They are really thin and let you enjoy the taste of the bud. I highly recommend them.
  9. We usually use Joker Hemp papers or the transparent papers. I actually prefer clear papers - they taste better and burn more evenly IMHO
  10. #10 MakeArtCrimes, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    Currently using orange Zig Zag's and the cellulose Glass papers. I use to roll with the Big Bambu/EZ-Wider when i first started smoking. Probably because of the width for ease.

    Edit: The king size Elements are nice too, but I like to switch brands a lot, on the search for the perfect paper!
  11. juicy jays usually
  12. zig zags all the way
  13. I usually roll with the 1-1/4 zig zags and two step the dutch masters for a blunt
  14. I use trip clear rolling papers for joints, also have some zen hemp papers, but I find them harder to roll than the trips.
    I don't really like blunts much, but I have a pack of brown sugar wraps, a blunt wrap the size of a 1 1/4 paper. I burned one after I was given the pack, and the room stank of tobacco afterwards, it didn't tase too bad though, kinda like a weak tasting prime time only with weed in it.
  15. I use Tops rolling papers. It makes a nice tight firm joint to toke from.
  16. OCB Slims are my shit
  17. I use pure hemp 1/4 and king size papers. I don't dig paper flavor, the hemp is much more pleasant to me; but I mostly smoke out of glass anyways.
  18. TOPS are Way too thick for me
  19. Zig-Zag Ultrathins on the regular but sometimes JOB Crystal transparents :smoking:

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