Rolling paper substitute

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Paranoia., Dec 2, 2004.

  1. Why the fuck has this thread been revived AGAIN.
  2. I used to do that all the time!
    It works good but is a bitch to roll.
  3. Dude if yur grounded and you have matches all you need is an x-acto blade and a water bottle just make a waterfall. that shit hits you hard... plus there is not much work at all. punch a hole in the cap of the bottle slide the x-acto holder ring inside pack the weed in that holder, fill a bottle with water make a hole at the base and light the weed (make sure its capped tight so u get good pressure on the fumes) light the weed in the holder and release yur finger off the trigger and let the gravity of the water being pulled down collect smoke into the bottle... the you simply uncap and enjoy the lovely effects of some good ol' cannibinol!
  4. ^^Dude the first post is from 2004...doubt he still needs the help lol
  5. your an adult and have been grounded?
  6. a band-aid wrapper/paper. it's small but can roll a decent skinny joint.
  7. Just Incase You Havn't Noticed, This Thread Is Fuckin' 4 Years Old!!
  8. bandaid paper? are u kidding me?!
  9. you are aware a pack of rollies is a mere $1.05?

    EFIT: wtf who revived this? its from fucking 2004
  10. Recipt the only thing they burn kinda fast
  11. My guess is someone searching, and didn't realize the thread was old so they reply? Probably a google search, hence a user from 2004 only having 3 posts.

    It sounds to me like the OP is obviously not 18 (or at least at the time of posting), or he's a mama's boy who listens to every word his mother says because he doesn't want to get a job and support himself.
  12. lol, old thread...
  13. Theres a very easy way to make a bong out of a water bottle pen tube a wrench peice 4/13s i think? and some good ol fancy ducktape! rips like a motha!:smoking:
  14. Yay! way to bring this thread back from the dead, I missed it.
  15. Bible pages, My friend rolled a cross joint with bible pages.
  16. printer papers really harsh...
  17. you know those empty pages in the back of the bible? :x
  18. Lol...
  19. ah its back! use coffee filters boy from the past
  20. Alright. If im out of paps, and got no bowl, I'll usually stuff a square. Otherwise, bible paper, or some gum wrapper paper with the silver stuff scraped off work like a charm.

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