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Rolling "inside out"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. im not that good at rolling so i dont think ill be rolling inside out anytime soon but can somebody please explain what it is?

    do you roll with the paper the opposite way, hence the "inside out"? but how would that work your not rolling the glue?

    ive seen a video of someone rolling inside out but all i caught was they rolled with the paper on the opposite side then burnt off the remaining paper. so how does it stick i just dont get it lol.

    i understand that it is meant so you can smoke with as less paper as possible so help. thanks
  2. *bump* anyone?? :confused:
  3. i can roll an inside out blunt but i've only seen some videos of rolling an inside out joint. You basically end up licking through the paper to get to the glue
  4. [ame][/ame]
  5. ^^^The guy in this video is my hero. I fucking love that dude. I plan on being exactly like him one day.
  6. wordd, Hashbean.
  7. what's the point of this again?
  8. what do you mean? i was asking people to clarify how inside out joints are rolled.

    and your from the garden state my dude what part?

  9. eh south jersey...

    but i mean whats the point of rolling inside out?

  10. Uses exactly enough paper to cover the weed and thats it. No more, no less.

  11. hey man, i know this is weird because its like months after the original post but i grasscity searched rolling inside out and found this. warren county man. just wanted to throw that out there, hahahahaha.
  12. hahaha all good dude, reppin jersey :smoke:
  13. You simply flip over the rolling paper and reverse the crease so the glue is facing you on the underside of the paper. Proceed to place and prepare the cannabis ready to be tucked and rolled, and then lick the glue strip, and roll it over nice and tight. It should have one actual layer of paper over the bud with a triangular\rectangular piece of extra paper sticking out, you can either rip, cut, or burn it off.

    The benefit of doing this, is smoking the least amount of paper possible to enhance the taste and smoothness of the smoke.
  14. not sure why this thread was ressurected, but im pretty glad it was since to this day i had no idea how to do it since i didnt really get answers from this thread and u just explained it the best. thanks dude :smoke:
  15. I'm in morris county lol, and reverse rolling can be fun
  16. ok so let me get this straight, u just roll it on the backside of the paper and tuck it like u normally would but u lick the glue so it sticks, then rip the excess paper off and thats it?
  17. Yeah that's the jist of it, But instead of ripping the paper off i like to do the burn trick, only gotta light it once :smoke:

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