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Rolling a joint to tight?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ayotex, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. so normally i roll without anything but i decided to try that dollar bill trick, once it was rolled it was really tight, felt like a rock almost

    the bud was rly sticky though, dunno if that makes a difference
  2. Have you tried lighting it? If so and it doesnt stay lit it might be a little to tight but if it stays lit your good.
  3. Does it pull alright?

  4. decently i guess

  5. It will probably be fine imo
  6. Yeah it sounds fine to me also.
  7. Invest in a roller my man. I got one for $5 and it just makes life easier.

  8. Rolls em perfect every time! But the dollar trick pretty much does the same thing.
  9. I never tried the dollar trick cuz i thought it was complicated but i might try it once soon.
  10. Invest in learning how to roll, it costs nothing and you can take it everywhere.

    It can get too tight and you can find it hard to pull.
  11. Dont use rolling mats or anything other than your skins and fingers imo. Its just as easy learning to roll without a mat. Ive been tokin for 7 years now. I could roll instantly pretty much. Give free hand rolling a try. It wont hurt you ;)
  12. If it pulls alright & suits you, it's fine. Nothing to worry about.

  13. If your joint is pulling and smoking then it was rolled fine. If it doesn't pull then it would be too tight. If you have a joint that's too tight, just try rolling it between your fingers trying to loosen it up.

    Also......if possible try and get rid of the dollar bill, or rolling machine. It doesn't take too many rolling attempts until you get the hang of freehanding a joint. Plus once you learn to roll, you can always roll......and its just a good thing for a weed smoker to know.
  14. get the joint wet take your lighter and run it across it until it drys. Or even sundry it.
  15. Yes they can be to tight when using the dollar bill method. Don't stuff the paper to the bottom of the dollar but instead just set it on top of the bud.
  16. Hand rolling is the best once you get better at it
  17. Yeah it rolls hands better than a machine.
  18. best advice^

    a roller is in my opinion one of the most useful things to have.
  19. u gotta be able to roll guys
  20. I think every stoner should be able to hand roll even if it's not their preferred smoking method lol.
    If it is too tight try rolling the joint in between your index and thumb until it loosens up a bit.

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