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Rolled my first J and my dank(pic)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Juggernautt888, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, just wanted to share my first rolled joint. I got the filter in the back(which I think is too big). Dont think you can tell from the picture. Feedback would be cool. Even though i know im going to get some"cool story bro"

    -Smoke on :smoke:
  2. lol might need the picture right ? my bad. Here it is

    Attached Files:

  3. Definitely looks like some good bud there man. Not a bad rolling job, as long as its packed in there pretty tight and not loose. Toke up and let us know how it smokes!
  4. Looks good for your first time man, rolling is all about practice...
  5. Cool story bro!

    just jk...

    Lol, great weed man, and that joint doesn't look bad... You'll notice soon how your rolling skills improve day by day... :smoke:
  6. Meh decent middies, and what was that joint rolled with computer paper? Get some thinner papers, it'll taste a lot better.
  7. Thanks everyone. There tops rolling papers, I got from my friend. But the filter is made out of computer paper. is that bad ?
  8. ohh, the first joint, I had my first self rolled joint about a year ago, and I tell you, it was far uglier than your one :) enjoy
  9. good stuff.
  10. Looks tasty man, report back on how it smokes :smoke:
  11. Looks like high mids to me... toke up.

  12. Nah that's fine man, but with roaches remember never to use anything made with ink/plastic etc, try and use plain paper/card etc.

  13. Thats fine, I use index cards myself, they work really well.
  14. Wow I didnt think about index cards. Good idea. Ty
  15. Keep trying to get the tuck tighter, that's a pretty loose joint. Practice makes perfect!
  16. ty dude, ill work on it :)
  17. People are being so nice :) Tbh thats a shitty ass joint, but it is probably better then a lot of peoples firsts. Like they said, practise makes perfect :D
  18. my bood looks exact :D

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