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Rollbud's 420th post pickup (pics)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Rollbud, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Well I finally have made 420 posts. It has been awhile since I posted because I was waiting to get some nice buds to can't be a proper 420th post without some proper herbage. I picked up a quarter of some really nice dank, names are not usually given around me but it doesn't make a difference I'm gonna get ripped. The quality of the picture is terrible my camera is on its last leg gonna buy a Canon t1i with my next big paycheck.


    It has a good pine smell, but not too overwhelming, the buds are very dense and have some good hairs. I have a few things to finish then Im gonna smoke a bowl and hit the hay.

    also have to say thank you to everyone on Grasscity, you guys are a great community and I have always enjoyed reading and posting here. Waiting a week without making a post was truly difficult. I will toast my next bowl to the city and all of its blades :gc_rocks:
  2. NICE NUG!

    I like, looks frosty ass hell :)

    props to you and my next bowl goes out to GC Blades aswell :bongin:
  3. even with bad quality it looked pretty nice. Have a good one and enjoy it.
  4. Some good herb right there. Now no more posts, 420 is perfect:rolleyes:

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