PS3, 360 and PC... none o you blades been on this?... I held off cos I couldn't justify buying a guitar for what could be a fad but after talking to a friend he said he had a spare guitar, so I borrowed it and bought it for PC and it rocks!... I had a bass back in the day, never really learned how to play it, anyho I ended up picking an old bass up off ebay for peanuts and a friend come round tonight with his guitar and we jammed out on rocksmith! don't dismiss it blades! it roks! there is also other shit, a space invaders game that you use the axe to control, I shit you not and its addictive as fuck!.... you got hit notes to shoot shit!
Seemed neat just too expensive overall. I'd rather just do the pro instruments with RB3. If I already owned a guitar though I'd check it out
I picked up the rocksmith game and guitar package. It's pretty cool, I don't play everyday but I do play a couple times a week and am learning slowly. I hardly see anybody that has it.
I didn't rate the RB3 pro instruments tbh, I didn't try the real guitar but I have the one with a million buttons on it. Was a real pain in the ass. And yeah man, I know! the game is seriously under played. Had good sesh on it last night. lotta fun..