Rocket league

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by bayness, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Lol, ive already opened 15 crates, and i didnt get my takumi import body.
  2. im assuming you cant get keys for free?

    Ive got like 6 crates lol

    Aquadome looks pretty cool at least :laughing:
  3. well apparently there is a way to view whats in the before opening them idk i think it's an awful addition to the game
    ya you have to buy keys if you want to open them
  4. @BudButler

    Yep you open the crate in your inventory and it gives you a list of what you can get.
    then its like a slot machine, you pay to spin and whatever it lands on you get.
    I've only gotten 1 or 2 doubles (sets of the same). So i don't think its 100% random in the spin.
  5. I'll buy some one of these days, just to support them since I got the game for free on psn

    I wish I was way better, gonna have to get gud
  6. support them by buying dlc don't support an awful gambling system in a video game.
  7. Ah, that's a better idea

    I wasnt even really aware the dlcs cost money, so much was added since I originally got into it.
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  8. I have a dominus import body if anyone has a takimi import i'll trade. I'll even throw in the animated snakeskin skin for the regular dominus
  9. I got 5 crates, trading for a tall can and 3 hits off the blunt.
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  10. [​IMG]

    If anyone's interested in anything here let me know.
  11. Rocket League good guy

  12. Playin around with these gifs. Savage air dribble..

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  13. More RL porn for my thread. OT goal

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  14. We needa play . PM me your PSN account again bruh :)
  15. I'm on Steam but we can get down on a private match :bongin:
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  16. Game Over RIP

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  17. I horrible at rocket league lol.

    from the depths of oblivion
  18. I said fuck it and bought 10 keys, got 7 rare decals, 2 very rare decals, and an import set of wheels. I feel super cheated
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