I am a professional rock climber and I need a one-handed lighter pipe to light up while I'm hanging off a wall (seriously, it helps me stay calm). Should I get the solopipe or the 7 Pipe Pro?
I don't know much about the 7pipe pro but a friend owned a solopipe and loved it. It was pretty sick it has a trap door over the bowl so you can always keep it ready, that sounds like it might meet your needs.
I have owned a solopipe (I think my parent snagged it so I don't know where it is presently) and they seem to be perfect for your needs. The only potential issue may be the wind. If you're high on a rock face I'd imagine it would be windy, so if it is you'd need to contort your body to shield the pipe. You wouldn't want to use your hand, because that's what you're looking not to do in this purchase. If you can do something to address the issue of wind, then this should be for you.
Looks like one spammer with two accounts to me. Both register within a day of each other & one starts a thread asking about what the other just happens to be selling. Same goes for this thread: http://forum.grasscity.com/toking-tools/515294-lighrer-pipe.html
that other thread was resurrected from a month ago man, i doubt that the company started a fake account to make 1 post with a mis-spelled title then bump it a month later. btw it's annoying as fuck to be called a spammer for having a low post count and asking a legit question. i got called out for being an incredibowl employee when i had like 6 posts, which was dumb as fuck and now it's clear that i'm no spammer. and why would that company compare themselves on a fake account they made to a larger company with an already established customer base? sounds legit, and to be relevant i'd like to add that the solopipe lighter is not windproof, which may be a pain on a cliff
I would say SMALL joints would be perfect, so you don't get too ripped. Or an edible of medium potency would probably do it. I know a lot of people who eat edibles to calm their anxiety and it'd be safer than sparkin up, that's for sure.
Look closer--it's spam. He also did the same exact thing, on the same day, also using two shill accounts here: http://boards.cannabis.com/medical-marijuana-co-op-talk/179751-lighter-pipe.html#post2059085 (De-linked it because I don't like helping spammers with their search rankings) The other thread I linked to in my first post was resurrected by the OP of this thread, then followed up by the other account... just like in this thread. Spammers follow themselves around with shill accounts to create a fake image of interest. The two main reasons spammers will bump old threads are: 1. Easier to stay under the radar, compared to starting a new thread. Plus, a lot of forums don't let new members start threads... because of spammers. 2. Already indexed in search engines. Not a big deal here, because it's a trusted site by search engines and they'll always look for new info here. They bumped the other thread because it was relevant to the spam. If they left it at that, it would have stayed under the radar a little more, but most spammers aren't too bright. One account only has two posts, both mentioning this company. The second account only has 3, all of which are promoting the company and all posts were made within a 5 minute period, one of which has already been edited with the "Pay for advertising" message. That would be enough, even if they didn't both use Canada as a location and register within a day of each other. If he wasn't smart enough to use a proxy, post one account from work, or have a friend post for him from the other account, then a mod/admin could also compare the IPs. This is one of the oldest & most pathetic ways of spamming. It's the forum version of how mail spammers send you spam that starts off with, "Here's the info you asked for," as if lying about it being requested will matter when they get a million spam complaints. That's an easy one: Because it's by far best way to do it. The legit company will actually get searched for, giving the spammer more exposure. Spamvertise with the nobodies and you'll just be nobodies right alongside of them. Cashing in on the traffic of others is how many businesses work. Just like how Burger King gets more business by putting up a building next to all of those already-established McDonalds locations, letting McDonalds spend the $millions on market research. Why else would anyone want to be located in the same parking lot as Wal-Mart? The best way to spam a no-name is to show up in searches for companies that are already taken seriously. That's also why idiots selling a Timex watches on ebay will put crap like "Not a Rolex, Tag or Seiko" in their titles--to hijack search results. With forums, you just leech off of their traffic, maybe throw in a fake recommendation for yourself, and prey on suckers that will take anything they read on a forum as helpful community advice. You can also be sure there's a lot more of this type of thing that just isn't obvious. Every forum with traffic has fake product reviews & spam. Most people doing online research would be amazed if they knew how much of the advice they take in on a given product was either written by a) the company itself, or b) an affiliate of that company, if they have an affiliate program. Option "b" happens a lot. In fact, someone just got all of their posts deleted here because they would join in an active thread, create a fake quote that doesn't even exist in the thread, then reply to it with their Attitude Seeds affiliate link. Sneaky, but not sneaky enough. If you think I missed something, send me a message & ask away. That's about as much, if not more than I'd want to post in public, because it's a bad idea to give spammers free clinics on how to get away with it. I do some affiliate marketing (without spamming, hence the lack of mansions & Lamborghinis!) & part of my everyday routine is fraud detection, so some things just start popping out at you after awhile. Anyway... The 7 Pipe is probably a piece of shit if this is the only way he can get people to consider it. Good products sell themselves. Anyone really believe that if the OP was really a professional rock climber, smart enough to do that without getting killed... that he really wouldn't be able to figure out how to get high without a gimmicky lighter/bowl? Ha! You could send a lazy 12-year old pothead out into a hurricane, armed only with a joint and one match... and the next time you see him, he'd be high.
dependin on how windy is a joint would really be your best bet. find the right papers that wont burn too quick. i love irie hemp papers, burn so smooth. as for a pipe, and one for climbing. ive never smoked but a solopipe would be pretty nice, although the spring light thing or whatever, if it falls its fucked. ive had a few protopipes, and theyre amazing. pack a bowl, and theres a cover with a screw so ya can adjust how easy it is to turn. im too drunk too search and link for ya, but check them out. they are made outta brass, some ppl hate metal pipes, but youre fuckin rock climbing gotta hve something sturdy. i love these pipes man, there are some generics out there so make sure ya get one with a PP on the cover if ya get one. good vibes and tasty trails man. peace