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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokeablunt420, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. is it a good idea to robotrip 2 days in a row???
  2. i don't think it's a good idea to robotrip at all.
    but if you must, two days in a row is probably a bad idea.
  3. dude did you get the side effects 'cause i did yo....idk im not going to do it again.
    this belongs in Pandora's Box.
  4. Uhh Robotripping probably isnt good to do one day in a row. Just saying.
  5. i think it sounds like a better idea to post in the box ;)
  6. NO not at all. I rather smoke crack then robo trip ever again
  7. I wouldn't, you can get brain damage or even die from doing cough medicine.

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