if its a clean break throw some super glue on there and try to ressurect her! so sorry to hear though, I just broke the handle of my dd slide a couple weeks ago so i feel ya
Damn dude, that really sucks. Such a nice slide yet that break really takes away from it. On a lighter note though, it looks like we have the same color pull. This is the work on one of the first inline bubblers robin hood made. Personally one of my favorite combo of colors. Good choice
^^^that is sickkkk! Also the double horned robin hood slides @ *** are very nice. I just love how he does his horns.
[quote name='"419GottaMin?"']Damn dude, that really sucks. Such a nice slide yet that break really takes away from it. On a lighter note though, it looks like we have the same color pull. This is the work on one of the first inline bubblers robin hood made. Personally one of my favorite combo of colors. Good choice [/quote] Wow, very nice!