So basically i really need to rant about what just happened to me, but to fully understand the story I will need to provide you with a little background information about myself.. I recently had to quit smoking weed after being caught numerous times by my parents as well as getting suspended from my highschool for blazing before. I guess i finally learned that i should respect my parents enough to not smoke while living in their house if they don't want me to. Anyways before getting caught, i was like best friends with this kid nick, who i have known since about the 8th grade(before weed even entered my life). Basically if there is 1 person i could trust it would be him. But as soon as i stopped smoking the herb, nick pretty much stopped hanging out with me, answering my phone calls, etc. We remained in contact, but not nearly as close as we used to be mainly because he never wanted to chill if we weren't blazing. I also noticed Nick started hanging out with some shady motherfuckers. the first time he told me he robbed someone i wasnt really surprised, he seemed to be headed down that path. the story(robbery): More recently me and nick have been talking and i told him about my interest in doing xtc. he tells me he knows where to get some, but is unable to get in contact with his "guy" up until tonight. When he texts me asking if im down for getting the pills still, I obviously am. He tells me he doesn't have enough money for both of us, so i have to front him my half ($70). I give him the money to go pick it up without hesitating. This kid was pretty much my best friend until about a month ago. We have been through so much shit together that i thought there was no way he would rob me. fast forward about 3 hrs i get a text from nick saying he got jumped by the kid he was getting the pills from. obviously every fiber in my body says that i just got robbed. but its so hard for me to believe that a friend of 5+ years would throw a friendship away over $70. I need to get some input.. did i get robbed? or is nick telling the truth?
Was his previous story about robbing someone similar to yours? Bc if it was I would think he robbed me. And I think he did bc I mean... sounds like he's shady like the company he keeps.
yeah im calling bullshit on this one. hes probably rolling right now lmao unlucky. karma is a bitch though, luckily.
no the kid he robbed before was just someone he knew, not a good friend. I cant really fuck him up physically because he is pretty big kid. that is not to say i cant ruin his life though. i know where he lives, i know his parents don't know about half the shit that he does. all it would take is a letter in their mailbox.. he told me he would pay me back out of his own pocket, but i somehow doubt that is going to happen
Ok but did he tell you details on the prior robbing? Like did he tell the kid he was going to get him stuff, took the money, then just bailed? He may not even think of you as a friend anymore.
man front half ($70) for xtc pills? Where I live you can just get a pill for $5 with a decent amount of mdma lol
yeah the kid he robbed before he told him to meet him at some sketchy apartment complex so he could get him a $80 oz. he got the money from him and said he would go in and get the oz and come back out, but he had his car parked on the other side of the building. so he went in through one side and came out the other and drove away. I guess it is kind of similar. i know its a little hypocritical of me, but that IS how you get robbed giving money to someone you don't know well and expecting them to return. the difference is ive known him for so long. it just blows my mind that he would do such a shitty thing.
theres a good chance your friend is addicted to a drug like heroin or crack or crystal meth... people with drug addictions will steal from anybody to get their next fix. you said he started hanging with some shady people, he even told you he robbed somebody. you got robbed, there is no doubt about it except the shitty part is he is hoping you will forgive him for it and if you confront him about drugs it might be a little awkward.
around my area its usually $10-15 a pop maybe i just dont know the right people though lol. and im pretty sure he isnt addicted to crack SmokinBowlers haha. just a shitty friend
Do you really want to ruin a friendship over 70 bucks? Then again if you really think he jacked you, fuck that ***** up.
if he's an addict, you got jacked i have A LOT of friends who would jack from me just to get crazy high on shit like pills and crack
Happened to me before, don't know what to tell ya... See what he does in the near future. This is what I would do: FIRST: Does he try to talk to you? Is he apologizing constantly? Do you think he truly feels sorry for what happened? Is he always trying to make it up to you (smoke u up, etc..) OR Is he brushing it off? Is he forgetting it even happened? Is he rarely talking to you (even less than he did before) Those are the signs I would check for in the near future. I know it just happened today but if you could keep tabs on him for a bit and see what he's doing (still hanging with those shady kids?). But for now, I would tell you : Don't front money, EVER. It's the last time you're gonna see that money if you do. I know he was a good friend and all but as soon as you guys started falling off the friendship trail, you should've stopped trusting him with stuff and money especially.