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Road Tripping - Stops?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Husky42, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. So I'm going to be passing through Cali on a road trip mid April, now I know there is good green every where but I love to sample local varieties.

    Going through Cali (particularly Nor Cal) where should I stop? I mean like a cool place that I could spend a few days sample local variety and be off on my way to Arizona.

    Gonna be doing the Yosemite, Yellowstone, caves in az and nor cal/pacific coast highway road trip.
  2. The title made me think you were tripping while driving haha.
  3. Well when your in AZ be very careful with your bud. Any marijuana charge in Arizona even under a gram is a felony:mad:, so be careful. oh and um go to Oasksterdam in San Fransisco
  4. Seriously? Um fuck Arizona, I'm gonna go hang out in Vegas for awhile instead.

    Nothing against AZ at all, in fact i was really excited to go. But I'm a major smoker, and I'm in a govt related field so I cannot have a felony on my shit or even take that type of risk.
  5. Ya AZ is pretty risky to smoke in. But we just pass MMJ so hopefully they will decriminalize it.:D
  6. Don't know if you will be close but San Francisco has some top-notch shit.

  7. bahaha nah man... but you ever trip while wake boarding.......

  8. How safe is it? I mean traffic wise and stuff. I'll be taking the pacfic coast down so SF can be a major part of my trip. I'll be in the general area exploring state parks any how.

    A lot of my trip relies on my ability to sleep in my Volvo to conserve funds so safety is always a concern.

    I had wondered about going to SF though, grab a room some where and hope i meet somebody at the bar or whatever to help me out. Would love to walk outta the state w some hash and hash oil for sure lol
  9. It's a small city with a lot of people so traffic can be a bitch at certain times. San Mateo isn't bad either and the bars are usually hopping with stoner-friendly people that would more than likely smoke you if the traffic a concern you can try San Mateo also.
  10. Cool deal, thanks for the tips, already noted in my planner.

    Trying to find work the entire time I'm doing this also, I love state parks and although I'm a certified Emergency Manager with FEMA and the Dept of Homeland Security I want to work with nature again. Reclamation or even planning and mitigation for areas tourist will access at parks would be awesome.

    I said screw it, Seattle just too depressing, road trip has ultimately became one of hopes - I just hope they aren't crushed and i return to my mother at 28 asking for a place to stay lol
  11. Try Humboldt, sure you can find some bud there:smoke:
  12. sounds gay to me

  13. Nooooo I never would have guessed... :D:p
  14. snoop dogs house.
    he got the kush.
  15. Tripping while driving is possible... one of my mates told me he dropped 3 and drove across the states... I personally could not do that I would have a laughing attack/freakout...

  16. now that sounds fucking fun. No joke.

  17. I mean if you have your shit in cruise control and a pre-set playlist with no drugs in your car that would be all right... maybe an anti-anxiety to curb any fragmented fleeting thoughts.

  18. LoL....same here
  19. #19 DiPT Sounds, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011

    I wish, I learned kickflip backtails on 2 WoW one time though....

    edit^ you should only drivei in that state if you are COMPLETELY comfortable with it and the situation. You should never do it, riskin your own life is dumb put other peoples lives makes you an asshole.

    However, if you need to get home from a show, and its not your first time, or 10th, just be careful, know where all the illegal things are in the car so you don't panic IF you for some reason get pulled over, and don't panic and look at the lights in your mirror and swerve. You will most likely drive straight as an arrow,
  20. lol you are going to all the same places that I've been at recently. Vegas is tons of funs.

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