The other day I went for a ride to Hamilton Ontario to visite a friend. At some point on my way there, I was on the 403, I was passing this big truck going about 110-120 km/h, over the speed limit by 10-20km/h. Then out no where there is this dude behind me tailgaiting me. He starts honking his horn at me and so on trying to make me go faster so he can pass. I just continued driving and turned into the right lane to let him pass. Put I was pissed at this guy for tailgaiting me, so I decided to give him the finger. This fucker went off. He rolled down his window and started yelling at me: "Pull the fuck over!!". His face was a nice shade of red, to say the least this guy was furious. Well he was having his little tandrum I was simply just looking at him waving, and laughing. I think this pissed him off even more. He then started to try and push me off the road, like he was getting his car closer and closer, still freaking out,swearving from his lane into mine. Then I started honking my horn and he just took off. At first I considered callign the cops on him for trying to drive me off the road, but I got over it and just kept driving, after all, had I not given him the figner this probable wouldn't have happened. So I continue up the 403 headed for Hamilton, when I see up in the distance, cherry lights, a cop car pulled someone over. Im thinking: "No way, what are the chances?" Sur enough when I pass the cop car I see the same dude that flipped on me a little earlier, pulled over on the side of the road, getting what I can only assume to be a a speeding ticket. I slowed down honked my horn and waved at the fucker on my way by, I hope he saw me. Please share any of your road rage expreriences.
Someone cut me off in traffic in the city, I put my head out of the window and said "Ey you're going to cause an accident if you drive like that" Roid raged 5'4" faggot jumps out of his big jeep. My friend(who is 6'5" and 300 pounds puts his arm in front of me) gets out of the passenger seat. Says "I suggest you get the FUCK back in that truck of yours you juicing, napolean complex mother fucker, before I compact your body further."
My dad rages so hard behind the wheel. He's only 5'5, and it's hilarious. I loved when he was the one taking me to school as a kid.
i have no patience when im driving. im the person that dips in between cars just so i dont have to slow down.
I was driving with 3 friends back from this TINY ass town here in Colorado. Bout 5 hours from here in boulder... We left the town mega early in the morning, as we were up all night anyway, and wanted to get back before we had lost a day driving. So lets say we had friends A B and C in the car, I was driving, friends A and B were the ones who knew the way (one long highway, but 1 VERY VERY important turn to keep us out of denver and into boulder MUCH faster) and friend c not only has a horrid sense of direction, but had no license. On top of that, A and B had fallen asleep, so me and C were left to pretty much just drive straight, look for a sign, turn right after, and be done with it.... We missed the sign... some how end up in the center of denver before i wake them up (i knew there was another highway we were going to pass that i could take, but i guess there was construction that took me away from it, cause we never got to it). So i wake them up in the middle of denver, they were like god damnit, we, the navigators, failed to do the job hahahahaa. So after a few mins of driving, i see a bunch of your stereotypical "bikers" decked in leather, all straddling their motorcycles, and i figure since they obviously ride around a lot, ill ask where that damn highway is. So i ask, they were beyond nice about it hahaha, i walk back to the car... we swapped drivers, from me to friend A now. I get in back, and this fucking guy comes OUT OF NO WHERE!!!! and starts banging on the windows, yelling at us in jibberish... We were all quite stoned... so i roll it down (he knew i was driving, and chose my window) and im like WOAH man calm down are you hurt? Then he goes on for 10 mins (at this point a girl had walked up and is standing behind him) about how 20 miles back we "cut off" his girl friend and tried to drive her off the road (keep in mind, its early in the morning still, prolly 8 am) None of us have ANY idea what he is talking about.... but we got yelled at for a good 20 extra mins by him and her about how we are horrible scary drivers that should never leave our "hippie bubble" then they both walk away... get on 2 bikes and leave.... so they werent even driving in the first place....and we still dont really know wtf was up with it
haha I give people the finger all the time when I'm walking (no car and I live on main street) no one ever pulls over but can't wait for the day that happens
My Dad rages so bad when he drives. He has a huge ass diesel truck, but he drives it like a mustang. It's pretty funny.