I've never ridden a road bike before but because my bike was stolen last night -- at work no less -- I'm deciding to buy a speed demon that I can ride on the road versus the sidewalk. Just curious what recommendations people might have. I've hit speeds of 30 with a hybrid bike but I'm assuming with a road bike I will be able to do that regularly and without much effort. The one worry I have is the sturdiness of the bike and its ability to ride over uneven surfaces and such. Certain parts of town may have me on the sidewalk and I don't want to be flying along and find out a road bike can't handle hopping a curb or taking bumps at high speed. So can someone speak about random brands (browsing cl I see a lot of shimano, schwinn, etc.) and the wear and tear / performance of road bikes for someone only familiar with mountain bikes?
I am sorry to hear that. I hate thieves, if I was near you I would just give you my bike. Good luck with things, sorry I can only offer sympathy.
I am a retired bike messenger and I've been riding road bikes forever. You should go for a lower end Specialized or Trek. It takes a while to get used to the riding position and even longer to be able to hop up and down curbs without bending your rims up. Maybe get a super cheap, used roadie to practice on before you drop a bunch of $$. But once you get comfortable on one, you can fly.
I would suggest this before you drop thousands on a super sweet road bike. Goodwill might have some alright bikes. If your city is biker friendly, Craigslist might have some great bikes starting at $300. I've never hit 30 mph on my own. Went about 40 down a massive hill once. Average like 23.
I'd recommend looking into Bianchi. They've been my favorite bikes for years. I had an old 80s one that was stolen from me a few years ago. Road like a dream. Anyway, they have a series of bikes called Cyclocross. They're roadbikes with bulkier tires for offroad and rough road surfaces. You might lose a little speed because of the tires, but I can't imagine much.
Eh, if they're not much heavier than "regular" tires, then speed shouldn't be affected too much. If there's more grip, maybe. I ride Biachi.
Thanks for the suggestions. My budget is rather laughable at this point and I am scheduled to work tomorrow and the next day so I had to make a decision today I felt like. I was glad when I saw that. Slim pickings on craigslist for road bikes under $300 and I found a good price on a Trek 460 so that's what I'm gonna go with. I just hope I have enough money after buying it to get a nice lock, ironic as that is. I know one of the other guys at work that bikes in keeps his behind the dumpster out of view so perhaps I'll try that for tomorrow night. It's promising to be an interesting day tomorrow.
Try to save up some money and buy yourself a Kryptonite lock. I know a few people with the Fahgettaboudit chain lock and some people with the Evolution lock. They're a little pricey, but you won't get your bike stolen (or at the very least it'll be very hard for someone to make off with your bike).
Dang, that sucks. In Seattle craigslist, I saw a few bikes that are pretty good for $300 and under (Vintage road bikes mostly, but still very bad ass). The timing has to be right too. Around the time of early Spring, or late Summer, you could get some deals. That's usually when people upgrade bikes and are trying to get more money with old bikes, and trying to get rid of the bikes they don't like, respectively. People will steal anything, man. My friend had this really shitty bike, like for 12 year olds. It had a standard lock on it, the bike obviously had its fair share of wear and tear, but unfortunately hooligans decided to steal it anyways.
So the bike stands at 57 cm and I'm 5'9. It's a pain in the ass to come to a full stop but I can manage to sit on the seat and touch the ground with my tippy toes. About like trying to wade in deep water when you're just bouncing off the tips of your feet. I think it's going to be too awkward to work out. But for the time being I can still fly on it (made the usual 5 mile trip in probably half the time) so I'll keep it to get back and forth to work until I can find something with a better fit. Had to cough up 150 but it was by far the best deal at the time:
Lower the seat post if it's too high dude. It'll make the riding position less ideal but at least you'll be able to reach the floor!
I dig the bike man. I thought it was a single speed for a minute, then I saw the gears. I love the classic look though.
That's how it is on a road bike. When you stop you have to lean out far or get off the seat stand over the bar. Old school Trek for $150 not bad. Looks in good shape. Keep riding it, you'll start to like it.
That's the thing I didn't see an Allen screw at the base of the column for adjusting the height of the seat. It just looks...fixed. Yeah I'm definitely happy with the aesthetics it looks sharp for the price. You mean with your foot to the ground yeah? I'm gonna outfit it with the basic front/rear light to be legal to ride at night before work and I'll ask a bike tech while I'm there about the questions I have. If it turns out the seat can lower and they can show me I'll be much better off. My friend gave me a heavy duty lock that he isn't using so I'm all set after this afternoon.
You "screw" down the seat into the frame to lower. You "screw" up to raise it. That's how it is for mine. Just wiggle as you push down the saddle, and it should go down.
he gotta teach him cyclocross dismounts and running mounts eh? looks like a good starter bike OP but i prob should have got a 55 or 56. next time u buy a bike go to ur local bike shop and have them fit you, so you at least get the right size frame. until that day, enjoy your bike and have fun learning to ride. stay safe.