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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by UsernameYo, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Ok. So I'm pretty new to rolling (joints) and I was wondering what you guys use as a roach in your joints? The rolling thread suggested using one but I have no idea as to what to use.

  2. A roach is just the last tiny bit of a joint that is left after smoking the joint.
  3. i haven't rolled one in a long time....but i would take old business cards and make a roach from that.
  4. business cards work pretty well. you can buy business card paper and use those if you're afraid of losing the numbers on the real cards
  5. Index cards! They are hands down the best material. Buy a pack and they'll last forever.
  6. Thanks guys. I think I'll try the index card when I'm rolling up later. :smoke:
  7. Those cards that always fall out of magazines that try making you buy subscriptions.

    They're just as thick as index cards, but yea, a pack of index cards would last you forever.
  8. I used to use sticky notes. But now I just use straight up weed and keep reusing it. That way the smoke keeps going through it over and over and all the THC collects in it. Then I smoke it in a bowl after being used like 10 times
  9. I really dont like it when people refer to the filter as the roach.

    The filter is the cardboard scrap piece that you roll up and put in the end.

    The Roach is the last small bit of the joint after you done smoking. These are usually collected up to be smoked in a pipe, or to create a brand-new super-harsh joint.
  10. I use more weed as my filter.
  11. Yep hes right! ^

    Although its great to get those papers with a small metal wire through it and you just hold the wire when you smoke from it! Its fucking brilliant! :D

    (got this from another thread)

    So that is a ROACH with a wire through it so you can keep smoking it haha LOVE those papers :D

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