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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by keitanakano, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. ever recycled roaches because u need tobaccoo for proper MJ burn, and were too lazy to go shopping?

    and then worried about some cigarette stumps that you dipped into a coke can 2 days ago?

    and the table full of ashes and mess from rolling.
  2. today i have collected all the paper remains from the roaches, and have put them into the coke can. which in the meanwhile dried out!
    I hoped for a big schmoke but it extinguised somehow.

    what could i do?
    insert more paper maybe?
  3. someone explain?
  4. Um... what has this guy been smoking.
  5. I want some.
  6. purple hemp leaves
    MJ flowers
    DRUM tobaccoo

    Attached Files:

  7. So're recycling the roaches for just the tobacco...and you put the papers in a can...but the smoke isn't thick?

  8. well it has accumulated from several days. this is new tobaccoo already.

    i often keep a can for the ash and the waste.
  9. Dude I'm way too baked to try and figure out what this dude is saying.:eek:
  10. ^ im with you bro.
  11. well last week i cut one can open, made a small oven and filled it with lower stems.

    was burning like nuts, flames coming through the opening at the top.

    right now i did shooting practice!

    -the first bullets all hit the target
    -i found the right song straight away on youtube: the guy actually shows a gun in the song!

    I always reuse roaches for new joints.

    Attached Files:

  12. This guy has the European stickyicky
  13. This guy must be trolling, or im way to high
  14. im sober and i still have no idea what the hell you are saying
  15. those purple hemp leaves must have some kind of crazy side effect. :smoking:

  16. yea its a special plan which has red stems now.

    and i use the paper filter (from the roaches) more than once.

    can this have any side effects?

    they become dark and oily after a while.
  17. OP scares me.

  18. haehaahahaheeheaa. he responded to some guy saying 'whats he been smoking' by listing what he had been smoking. i like this guy, this guys funny.

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