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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Smokey55109, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. After you smoke a joint or blunt, do you smoke the roach? Or save it? Or throw it? Personally, I like smoking them.
  2. Throw it in a bowl and smoke it! No wasting weed here ahhaah
  3. cut it open and pack the bowl
  4. Save it, can use them for a generation blunt, bongs, grav bongs, etc.
  5. I like to stick em in my pocket and keep em for later. the paper gets all resiny and the weed thats left is 'resin-ated' so its nice to pack em into a bong or something.
  6. Cut it open and roll the weed again. No THC left behind!
  7. I save them but i rarely smoke joints.
  8. I save blunt roaches for chillums hits and bowls. I also put them on top of weed in another blunt.
  9. Back in the days when my best friend was sellin mad trees we would just throw em cause there was no reason to save them. The only thing we used to smoke was blunts.

    Now, I save them for rainy days.
  10. Why not just roll up a bit of card for the end so you finish all the bud?
  11. save em in my container and put them in a joint or bong later i dont even bother unrolling them to put them in a bong just throw about 3 roaches in there and make a bowl that way.
  12. i out a little bit rolling tobacco at the bottom. That way when it sats tasting kinda nasty, you know the weed is gone and you can throw it without worrying about wasting weed or making a nasty begearation blunt/joint or something like that
  13. I toss blunt roaches. They taste horrible

    Or if I'm driving ill usually toss it to get rid of the evidence cause to me that little amount isn't worth the trouble. If I'm home ill save joint roaches
  14. why would you save the roach? I thought the roach is a cardboard which is like a filer, surely theres not going to be weed in the roach, you could open it and check, i have never saved a roach lol, why would i?
  15. [quote name='"triplecde"']why would you save the roach? I thought the roach is a cardboard which is like a filer, surely theres not going to be weed in the roach, you could open it and check, i have never saved a roach lol, why would i?[/quote]

    To smoke it again. There is still weed in blunt roaches. You shouldn't be putting any cardboard in them. Its just the end of a joint/blunt that you can't hold anymore without burning yourself. They're quite potent.
  16. I save all my roaches then later roll them in to another joint. Right now I'm working on my 4th generation joint. :D

  17. yeah blunts i understand, joints i throw away
  18. Both types of roaches have the most resin/thc.
  19. [quote name='"Necstar"']I save all my roaches then later roll them in to another joint. Right now I'm working on my 4th generation joint. :D[/quote]

    Nice! :) I got to a 3rd gen.
  20. I save my roaches, unless Im in the car;). My blunts get crutched, but if there is still pot left, its considered a roach and gets saved too. Generation joints are nice, taste a bit rank if you get to far:(. My current stash, just good to know that there is some smoke around, if things get rough!:eek:

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