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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Helikaon, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. What's some of the weirdest or most desperate things you've used as roach card over the years?

    Until I discovered the joy of roach books I'd use anything I had to had. Usually the top of the rizla packet but I've also used stuff such as train tickets and paperback book covers.
  2. weird post lol, but I use pretty much anything that's thin and cardboard.
  3. a pack of inkless blank index cards goes a looong way.
  4. I call them filters, and I buy filter tips every time I buy papers, but I haven't broken the habit of using the flap on the pack of papers first. Its kinda funny I have like 3 types of filters, ZEN perforated, Raw reg., and Raw Organic Perforated filters and all my packs of papers still don't have a flap. Why do you call them roaches? The only thing I've heard them called are "mouth piece" and "filters"...
  5. people's terminology can be different ^
  6. i dont use filters

  7. same. it was a phase for me.

    they ruin the flavor of the weed and make the joint harsher than it may or may not already be.
  8. star wars collectors cards. but never the fett man.
  9. pretty much i dont know about harsher, but they do tend to fall out which can pretty much ruin a joint if its poorly rolled
  10. Oh Geez you can't be using train tickets thats dirty ha. I Used to tear up all my school shit ha. The cardboard off that. But yeah roach card is the way forward
  11. my math book cover

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