Hi, I've been smoking for 3 years now chronically and I'm debating whether or not to begin a roach collection. I typically will just smoke my Js/Ls down, or bowl them but Ive heard of people letting them accumulate for a while. I was just wondering if it's worth it considering how nappy the roaches are with Rez, how much they reek, and do they get nastier after a while? Anyone with roach collection insight, your input is welcome
I never had a collection but have smoked left over roaches on occasion. They stink, make me gag sometimes but do get you high. So other than being nasty, should be fine.
i would start a collection, everytime i roll a blunt or joint i leave a decent sized roach in an empty pill bottle, and when im out i smoke the roaches... they dont reek if you contain the smell.. just let them get some air for like 5 minutes once every few days and you youll be good
[quote name='"joeyo"']i would start a collection, everytime i roll a blunt or joint i leave a decent sized roach in an empty pill bottle, and when im out i smoke the roaches... they dont reek if you contain the smell.. just let them get some air for like 5 minutes once every few days and you youll be good[/quote] Yeah I'll usually save a roach or two until I'm dry but I have friends who have like 50 roaches from the passed year and a half lol