
Discussion in 'General' started by smokethechronic, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. I was wondering what potheads thought about ritalin. and also the side effects,and what the high is like when mixed with weed.SHARE YOUR EXPIRENCES HERE WITH WEED MIXED OR JUST STRAIGHT UP RITALIN.
  2. Ritialin was like speed for me. I could stay awake for days on that stuff and all I wanted to do was talk about everything. I've had some awesome conversations with it. And I could go through a pack of cigarettes in like 2-3 hours.

    Smoking weed with it is a very interesting experience. It's kinda like feeling wired but slow at the same time.
  3. i know a kid who overdosed on ritalin and he was hallucinating super bad, like he saw thousands of cats comin down his stairs and he started pettin them and could actually feel them, and like there was little indians and cowboys having a war on his floor and he was like screaming to his mom to come see it. i've heard other shit about ritalin bein hallucinogenic, but i dunno haha, never done it myself, supposedly u can cook it up into this shit called kryptonite that fucks u up pretty bad to, u smoke it.
  4. Ritalin is basically amphetamine, so you should get the same effect of it..

  5. Woah, that's crazy. I've done a lot of Ritalin in my pre-baby days, and I mean a lot but I never hallucinated on it. But Dramamine? Well, that's a whole 'nother story.

  6. it is an amphetamine, but meth is what gets u, high , ritalin actualy can hinder a weed high, also fucks with ur heart beat.

    now adays they added a little somthing so u take 2 much u feel like shit, go take 7 concerta see how feel
  7. Do you guys snort ritalin/addys or do you pop em?

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