Risky places you've smoked, or funny places you've been ridiculously high?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by TotallyToked, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. At iHop with my retired pastor step father's father, his wife whom was a housewife for 35+ years, my step father who is a cop, and my mom who knew I smoked but didn't know I was smoking that Sunday morning when I met with them to get something to eat after they had been at church. I smoked previously maybe forty-five minutes before I arrived. It was intense, the topic of discussion at the table was the question about my red eyes.

    I immediately sheepishly said that I had just woke up. It worked. Never been so worried in my life, but it was soon over and we just chatted and I got some amazing food. iHop while high is a whole new experience.
  2. back home:
    -hotboxed (called "clam baking" back home) just about everywhere you could think, the best spot was the local movie theatre parking lot, dunno why but cops literally NEVER went in there. like never once did I ever see a cop patrol that lot, even though they patrolled all the surrounding parking lots.
    -friends basement or room, his mom always smelled it the next morning and bitched at him/us hahaha
    -parent's home's bathroom frequently, they only smelled it once and I covered it up (told them it was just bud in my pocket, I wasn't smoking in their house), and my bedroom once (mom smelled it but I was just like "nope wasn't smoking in here" and she was like oh okay).

    -On campus all the time in front of my dorm, noone gives a shit just hide it if you see an RA.
    -On the streets of manhattan
    -in various parks etc
    -in the stairwell of my dorm, last time an RA walked by us but I guess she didn't care, idk she looked chill and didn't say anything.
  3. At home is risky of course.

    I guess the "riskiest" place ive smoked, or rather smoke, is parks. Usually i try to find a place with denser plant life but ive also just chilled on a bench in the middle of cal anderson. Its the lowest priority crime in seattle, technically they have to stop a jwalker before they fuck with you (sadly thats not always practiced).
  4. Me and my buddies like to travel around and shit and so one day we were deep DEEP in the bush near a river and all of a sudden we see red and blue lights followed by huge search lights.

    We all hid in the grass until one of my buddies sketched and took off. It looked like there was one police officer, but as soon as he got up and ran about 9 dudes start hauling ass down the ravine towards us. We all like took off, but right before all of this happened my buddy was rolling a joint.

    As we were running i looked at my buddy and he was actually running with like "High knee's" to keep his hands balanced and was rolling the joint. I just stopped dead in my tracks and laughed my ass off before taking off again. It was pretty epic, first and only time i've ever seen somebody running fullspeed while rolling a joint.
  5. anywhere in downtown san jose is risky considering my county has a cop for every 4 citizens.

    38th floor Fire escape of holiday inn in san francisco

    elevators at malls


    military base in monterey, ca that was supposed to be decomissioned after the cold war as an agreement we had with russia...but yet you can still see military trucks driving the streets around it once in a while
  6. #286 weedst, Feb 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2010
    Well i have an awkward situation where i was baked. My Mom decided to go visit her bf down in florida for a week so i was pretty much high the whole week cus i also didn't have any work. Then my dad calls me and asks if i could go unlock a door for one of his tenents. I had just smokea joint and a half and in my yard, so I was pretty baked. i had no choice but to go help the guy cus. i was the only one that was available. i get there and the guy is this biggg jamaican business man. i kind of laughed when i saw him. He sounded really jamaican but I could tell that he was a real strict business man. i was wondering if he could smell me because i knew that i could smell me. ;). After I let him in I left and when i got home i was grabbed the half joint and lit it back up.

    Forgot about another story.

    (WARNING: may be a little long.)

    Me and my friend were thinking of a place to smoke. then she remembered a place that is realy good, but it really wasn't a good spot to smoke. so we were there for a little. it had a great view. it was right on the Del. river. we could see a bridge all lit up and across the river was somethign i couldnt mke out but it was a good view. i got a picture but you cant really see much. I would post it ut it wont transfer to my compuer. After about an hour we see lights coming up the road. we were both completely suprised because the road that leads to this area is very secluded and has no houses for about a mile and a hlaf down the road... or so we thought. there is also no way fo getting off of that road for about 2-3miles. So there wa no where to run. We jumped into my truck but realized the car was cutting off the only exit. All i coud think of was F*** were boned. but then i realized that the lights were halogen. so i chilled out a little but was wondering who the hell is this. they come up this little hill coming coser too us. Now they are about 20 ft. away. For some reason they pulled a U turn and started to drive away. I was thinking maybe it was just someone that was there for the same reason as us. but it was a BMW 7 series so im pretty sure they werent. when they were out of sight we drove the wy they left. then down the road we see them again. they were driving really slow. I guess waiting for us to catch up or something. then they turned into a hidden driveway. we later realized it was actually there back yard. I floored the accelorator and got the hell out of there if they had called the cops on us we would have been screwed because a cop could get on the road before we could get off. As i said earlier the closest turn was 2-3 miles away. luckeily evferythinf turned out fine.... The End.
  7. - in the living room when my mum was sleeping on the sofa
    - doesnt really count but when my mum had a face-mask and cucumbers on her eyes i rolled up next to her cause she couldnt see
    - at a defeated sanity concert (no one really cares though)

    thing is now my parents are totally fine with me smoking, i told them the first 2 and they just found it funny :smoke: i just hate smoking in places where its likely to get busted by police.
  8. I used to have a hard time finding a place to smoke, then I found my bathroom. But before that time I used to smoke in my car driving down the road (not very safe). As my town is riddled with cops that have nothing better to do than arrest stoners and drunks, so I find that being a moving target makes me much harder to find.

    So heres the story:
    One time, I was smoking a joint, and there happened to be a cop driving the opposite way down the road. My car isnt exactly inconspicuous. But regardless, I rolled a great joint that looked like a cig. I puffed it right as I was passing the cop. He didnt end up stoping.
  9. i smoke fucking everywhere man, ive never been busted by cops but plenty of people have caught me but never done anything about it. i suspect 90% of brisbane smokes pot
  10. Tacobell in the bathroom, no joke. Wicked sketch.
  11. back in sophomore year of high school, me and a couple of his friends were trying to figure out a place to smoke more bud, and one of my friends came up with the idea to smoke in his parents car right outside their house while they were home.
  12. aha in an apartment staircase must ov been the 4th floor
  13. Risky places: Friend's house while parents are home, parking lot of beach. hot boxed while driving down the street.

    Funny Places I've been ridiculously high: Sledding at Grandma's house on Christmas, Dinner with family for my brother's birthday, my basketball game (crazy feeling by the way), oh, and riding roller coasters at Busch Gardens
  14. I smoked a couple bowls of kush at a dog park with a friend and went to the mall. While she was in the bathroom there, I was waiting on the bench outside. Some white kid that wanted to be a gangster walked very smoothly up the the water fountain and pulled a bottle of what looked like vodka out of his jacket and filled it up with water. He did it all very discretely too. The thing about it was that we made eye contact and he looked so stoned. You know how when you are high, you sometimes think that someone else is too? Well it could have been that, but I am pretty sure he was baked. I laughed my ass off though because it was just so random and i was pretty high :smoking:

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