Is it me or is everything a big ripoff? We buy a car that costs thousands of dollars, even tens of thousands and 3 months later it needs to be repaired. We buy these nice, expensive phones and 1 week later it's out of date. We buy an iPod, and then next week they bring out a new one that's got a camera on it. You pay extra for "HD" and it still looks like shit. Your picture quality on normal non-HD channels are becoming less and less clearer, (it's even showing pixels now! 5 years ago there were no pixels). You're internet is progressively getting slower until you upgrade to the faster more expensive kind. These huge corporations are making items shittier and shittier and selling it for more and more. They're sucking the money out of our pockets. Can this shit be stopped?!?!?
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world can have peace." - Jimi Hendrix I guess that's what happens with consumerism.
i feel you dude, its one shit half ass product after the next... i believe your referring to "Cyclical Consumption". it stems (for lack of a better word) outa the need for industry to imploy self-preservation methods and in essence its a byproduct of any monetary system although it is rarely discussed properly; without it economies systems would brake down a LOT sooner. so there you go, almost nothing u can buy commercially is manufactured with the full extent and breadth of what is actually scientifically capable/possible. which reminds me, i need to change my car oils... lol EDIT: Ohh ya and it can be stopped, relatively easy, by rendering money obsolete
For real. It's like things are made to break after a certain amount of time for the sole purpose of making you spend more of your hard earned (or easily earned) money. I agreen that it can be stopped, but I don't think it would be easy by any means. We as a human race are VERY stubborn, narrow-minded people. Maybe you've heard of the Venus Project. It eliminates the monetary system completely. No money, no problem.
right on man.. Jacques Fresco is the Leonardo DA Vinci of our time... he just isn't received very well for some reason. and i know what u mean, apart of u may think that it is sooo outta the realm of possibility for mankind to take a dramatic shift to a similar direction as Fresco views it. but i still believe on a much larger time scale, its actually inevitable.. if humans are still there presumably and ya as a whole, or collective we are one delusional-stubborn-uncivilized cave man roaming about!
Its more than that I believe, the pricing of our facilities is set up in such a way so to promote a particular way of life. Cars are a practical requirement for every person, and cost ten thousand dollars and more plus gas prices. Housing can cost a hundred thousand dollars, or rent can be five hundred to a thousand dollars or more every month. The idea is to keep our structure of business and economics alive, despite the potential for alternative methods of living and supporting our selves. The intended plan is to globalize the world, and I think in many respects it is a good thing for us to become compatible with one another, but we are simply being forcied to keep ourselves occupied just to live, and ignore our collective potential and the only way to rise above the system now is to find a loophole with money and people and a service.
Again man, I agree 100%. I think the reason Fresco is looked upon so negatively is because the majority of people are to narrow-minded to see past what they can't understand. They don't understand how society could function without the monetary system, so they dismiss the idea and call Fresco a crackpot, and go about their lives being completely ignorant to all the chaos in the world.
I agree that uniting the world is a good thing, but I just don't think it should be done the way it's being done. It's not the right way and it's bound to lead to more wars, death, poverty, and ultimately separation. If you force people into a premature peace, there are bound to be some major problems
Customer support is an industry in itself. Companies can make flawless products but then they would be missing out on a shitload of profit.
hmm.. interesting view, so u see nothing wrong with the structure of business and economics?? i beg to differ, the systems are almost rotten to the core, the game is rigged man, always favoring the elite and upper strata's of society. business has reached a point where companies and corporations can legally operate with much more room and freedom than a natural person like you or I. and globalization has very little to do with compatibility and a lot more to do with standardizing systems of control. And really you can't blame them [industry] when the name of the game is profits with little to no emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility
My social studie teacher told me about this, but he was telling me about how the big computer corps have those "intel core duo processers 7, 8, 9" ect and they come out with a new one every couple of years but they already have the processors made and are juat releasin they every couple of years knowing that people are going to buy they. Cus why release the latest and get lets say 20,000$ when you can release every model every couple of years and get 20,000$ for each model. The funny part is everybody says they control the society but if ALL of society doesnt buy there product guess who doesnt blow 1000$ and 1000$ on dollars on pointless machines every year, and guess who is broke on there ass. I guess its true "the common mans a fool" they play us like suckers its pathetic really all we need is a guy like hitler to unite the public OBIOUSLY not to kill millions of people but to enlighten the average man.
so true, Intel are notorious for pulling this crap on consumers all the time. their line-up usually consists of 3 chips that are physically identical but with different mnfg. presets and using a binning process... but get this they go for 300$, 550$, 1000$ respectively and thier all basically the same exact chip, whats worse the come around the next quarter and change a few settings and market it as an ""Xtreme" versions and sell it to for 2000$+ to the first fool that buys it. and dude referring to Hitl*r as a candidate for "enlightening the avg man" is...umm *cringes* not good. and ya he may have united his people but under false pretenses and exagerated claims. that's all i'm saying about that
This is issue that annoys me a lot. Until a large portion of the population is willing to develop a backbone to the hand that feeds we are stuck. I don't really get peoples' need to have the latest technology. I've had the same laptop for 6 years and it still works perfectly.
OP, ultimately, we're in a Catch-22 with your issue here. We buy too much, too often, and get too much in debt, just to have the latest and greatest shiny new gizmo. Or, that shiny new gizmo breaks exactly 17 seconds after the warranty expires. Either way, we cannot sustain our economy without these two things being fed purposely and by design, and I feel that is due to the population growth. We had millions of fewer people back in the 50s and 60s when you could still obtain a quality product that would literally last for decades. Think about how long TVs, computers, even cars used to last before having any issues. I can still boot up a computer my family bought new in 1984, and it still works perfectly. Today, shit has to break and break often, or Marketing has to entice you to keep on buying, to sustain the millions more people we have in the workforce today. Graduating classes are no longer a few hundred, they're a few thousand. And the worst part about all this is it isn't going to get any better. Think of it this way. If scientists were able to create a glass that in every way resembled the glass we use today, except that it was absolutely unbreakable, how many glassblowers would be willing to start making their products out of it knowing a portion of their income is actually reliant upon the fragility of their product?
"Whatever happened to increase the peace Fight the power for people to defeat the beast" "All it took was one in a trillion In a world where they're gunning civilians Where conspiracies just drop on us like plummeting buildings Government villains at night, we are renegades who fight Under a pilgrims plight for a better way of life See we sail the seas with a sun stained atlas To escape the day to day mental mundane madness That consumes us, its true, though my real answer lays is stepping back to view life's real grand Monet But crucial issues are lost in this crazy worlds wealth How can lust for bucks outweigh one baby girl's health?"
Mac trucks made quality vehicles that rarely broke down or needed anything but regular maintenance. They went out of business because of it. /thread
Yes he did unite his people under false pretenses but if he was smart enough to do that and trick all those people (even though they were pretty much all in poverty and would probably believe any one saying i can make you rich if you do this) i think if someone like him put his mind to use in a positive way then maybe he could cause a globle revolution of thinking and open peoples minds to see whats really goin on.