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Ripped off for an eighth?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by veganchick, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. I just bought an eighth from a neighbor who lives across the hall. I thought he was pretty trustworthy, but this does not look like an eighth to me. I know sometimes the bud is more dense, etc., but I'm just not sure. What do you think?

    Sorry the pic is dark.


  2. Looks like an 8th to me
  3. I mean it's impossible to tell without a scale, but I've seen quite a few 8ths and it does in fact look like an 8th to me. But, I'm just looking at a picture so who knows for sure.
  4. can never really tell by eyeballing it, but that looks like 1/8 to me OP...schmoke it

  5. Your dumb, get a scale. and thats over 3 grams for sure. so pipe down gurl
  6. pipe down gurl! its an 8th
  7. Depends how dense it is as well...
  8. ......You're*..
  9. You're fine. enjoy :smoke:
  10. That's is about right. Get scales.
  11. Need another picture w/ something like a quarter or nickel next to the nugs.

    I can't tell if your thumb is extremely large, or the nugs are extremely small :)
  12. That looks spot on, maybe a . or two lower. How is the quality? Smoke report!!! :bongin:
  13. [quote name='"veganchick"']I just bought an eighth from a neighbor who lives across the hall. I thought he was pretty trustworthy, but this does not look like an eighth to me. I know sometimes the bud is more dense, etc., but I'm just not sure. What do you think?

    Sorry the pic is dark.


    Whattt lmao thats fat
  14. we need a picture next to ur boobs for size comparison, plus ur cup size to differentiate/compare next to.
  15. why is everyone saying thats an 8th, its more like a 10, Im from the uk and when we buy 8th the bags be packed out and easily you can tell its a 8th, yours easily looks like around 2 grams.
  16. at least take the pic with something next to it for size referance.

    get a scale. look short to me.
  17. Unless its really dense I don't see that being an 8th
  18. If those are DENSE buds then yeah, that might be about an eighth. But if those buds are loose at all then there's no way. Buying a scale would help. Just asking to see it on his scale would suffice as well. Just because he's a friend/neighbor doesn't mean that you can't make sure he's being legit to you.
  19. Of course it's impossible to tell exactly the amount from just a picture, but it does appear to be about an eighth.
  20. looks legit but with no scale there isn't anything you can do. If you feel you were ripped confront the guy and ask for it to be weighed and if it is short just stop buying from him.

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