Rich people and beds.

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by antoniown, May 5, 2013.

  1. What if rich people are more successful cus they are better rested cus they can afford better beds
  2. lol. you high bro?

    I sleep like a baby every night...on the floor. Only way I can wake up without back pain.

    I've even tried super firm pieces of foam. Nothing beats a few blankets laid on the carpet. I feel much more intact when I wake up, if that makes sense.

    Edit: sorry that was off topic.
  3. Of course im high
  4. What if rich people were more successful 'cause they were rich to begin with?
  5. Nice rebutle
  6. I can see the point your trying to make but, really how much does a good nights sleep have to do with being successful ? lol not a huge amount one would think.

    However without a doubt rich people have better opportunities when it comes to certain things, like education for example. I know i don't have enough money to travel to the us and study at MIT.
  7. Rich people wake up more refreshed cos they have nothing to worry about. Go to sleep with worry = wake up with worry

  8. Because money solves all problems, right? The vastly wealthy still have worries and stress. Being broke is just not one of them.
  9. Yeah money does solve everything

  10. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or are just that ignorant.
  11. Words are perceived by the eyes of the reader.
  12. Scrap that ^^ far too drunk to use words
  13. Your tooo high
  14. there secret is in name brand macadamia nuts and pom juice
  15. All the rich people I know are always tired as fuck from working all the time! Lol
  16. #16 MrGers, May 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2013

    Also, my parents are pretty rich and I grew up sleeping on what was essentially a slab of wood.
    And now i'm poor and spent 2 pay checks on my bed.

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