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Rhino Kush - Dispensary Pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by travka, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Just picked up this 3g of Rhino Kush. White Rhino x Purple Kush




    Has a very strong grape smell..:smoke:
  2. Indeed some mighty fine buds.
  3. Christ man, the colors are great on that. How's it taste?
  4. Bumpin this up cuz its some frosty. Believe me I would know.
  5. Some super frosty! Gimme!:devious::D:eek::smoke::bongin::smoking::hide:
  6. Quite phenomenal.
  7. [​IMG]
    I copped 7g's today :)
  8. man, the colors on those buds are blowing my freakin' mind.
  9. I put this is my mason jar and I can't stop smelling it. It's unbelievably grapey..:eek:
  10. That looks so fuckin dank hahahahaha
  11. nom nom nom nom nom nom

    om om om
  12. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn tasty

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