Rezy/fogy windshield

Discussion in 'General' started by King_Life, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. #1 King_Life, Feb 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2014
    Hey anyone know how to get the rez/fog off my windshield? Its bugging the fuck out of me, and when i take a rag to it it makes it worse.
    P.S. idk if this is the wrong or right area.. lol.

    care to elaborate?
  3. rubbing alcohol.
  4. Or rain x anti fog wipes. You can get em at Walmart for cheap.
  5. you have to boil your own urine in a kettle, then pour it all over your vehicle, then the steam will clean the resin u dont even have to wipe it away bro
  6. Rain-X windshield treatment is the shieeet.
  7. how the fuck does resin end up on your windshield?

    i cant come up with any reason why. i hotbox my vehicle everyday. no resin

    Sent from my iPhone.
  8. This, gets rid in seconds.

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