I believe in the next 50 years, there will be a revolution in China. They are slowly becoming a consumer economy more suited towards capitalism. They have the highest number of social networking with 91% using a social networking site within the last 6 months compared to 69% in the US. And social networking has helped fuel revolutions in the a Arab Spring China has a massive trash and pollution problem. And when I say massive I mean truly massive. The Chinese people are tired of it and are beginning to show there dislike of it. It may be a revolution led by the people, which would most likely be backed by the US/NATO. Or it may come from within the Chinese government more on the lines of reform rather than revolution. Thoughts?
Every country seems to have one at some point so why not communist China? It seems very likely this will happen. actually I just remembered whiletyping that i saw some video of chinese kids standing up to TANKS. They just stood in front of them and boom!
Well I think a revolution in China might be just as bad for the Chinese if America or NATO gets involved. Whenever the US gets involved in things they never turn out the best for the people who are in revolution. I do think revolution is needed her, but I hope it isnt violent.
[quote name='"Lay Low"']A revolution is more likely to happen in the US, and it's more needed here.[/quote] The Chinese have terrible working conditions. This one company had three people that died while working because of a portable fan that released toxic fumes into the air and their boss just buried them without even telling their families when the famille asked where they where he said they died and he buried them. Turns out two of them were still alive when he buried them.
[quote name='"Lay Low"']A revolution is more likely to happen in the US, and it's more needed here.[/quote] Idk about that Chinese people have it pretty bad. I mean.cmon would you want to throw your daughter in thebriver because the culture said you need a son? In any case we are intertwined. This is no longer a world of countries. It is a world of corperations. Laws are made by.lobbyists. culture is controlled by media which is controlled by funding. The enemy isn't the government nessesarily. Its wallmart and Monsanto. Coke and.Pepsi. bank of America Ans Goldman Sachs.
^ It makes so much sense. Pepsi runs the world. They don't have a military. They don't have schools that teach kids how great Pepsi is. They don't counterfeit currencies. Yet Pepsi runs the world.
This is a common misconception also made by the OWS movement. They want to blame the corporations but the real problem is Government. Without a Government to bribe for special favors the corporations have no power. Govenemnt is the problem, not corporations. Although corporations like Monsanto are evil but with out the Government they hold little power over the farmers they control.
Agreed. Wonder how powerful Monsanto would be if it didnt have the FDA and such in its pocket. Its when government has the authority to mandate and control that things like this are bound to happen. It is a natural conflict of interest that cannot be removed from what is intrinsically part of government.
The relationship of government & corporations is one of incentives. The incentive is for corporations to use the power of government to write the laws and regulations which favor them, yet hurt their competitors and consumers. Now, do you blame the state for this phenomenon or the entity that seeks to one up it's competitors who will undoubtedly push for the same ill gotten favors from the state? Incentives 101. What good is placing bids when there isn't an auction being held?
You are referring to Tianamen Square, in summer of 1989... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-nXT8lSnPQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player]1989 Tiananmen Square Protests- YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOJeA0s3x2A&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Tiananmen Square Massacre. The 1989 Student Democracy Movement, Beijing China - YouTube[/ame]
BTW the guy who stood in front of the tank was executed afterwards. They shot him in the head after torturing him and then sent the bill for the bullet to his family. This is a common practice in China they charge your family for the bullet they use to kill you.
[quote name='"James2912"']BTW the guy who stood in front of the tank was executed afterwards. They shot him in the head after torturing him and then sent the bill for the bullet to his family. This is a common practice in China they charge your family for the bullet they use to kill you.[/quote] And stuff like this will just add fuel to the fire. Not to mention the government censorship.
Do you know that the latest generation of chinese college educated youths don't even know tianamen square happened. The chinese have an unparralled ability to erase history only rivaled possible by the United States. How can you be outraged by something if you don't know it happened. Not to mention American corporation like cisco, yahoo and google help china censor the internet. Yahoo even reads peoples emails. I do agree that something will probably go down in china. I think after the US dollar collapses, china will inevitably collapse since they depend on the US economy so much. Imagine hundreds of millions of unemployed impovrished chinese. Can any government control such a mass of hummanity?
[quote name='"James2912"'] Do you know that the latest generation of chinese college educated youths don't even know tianamen square happened. The chinese have an unparralled ability to erase history only rivaled possible by the United States. How can you be outraged by something if you don't know it happened. Not to mention American corporation like cisco, yahoo and google help china censor the internet. Yahoo even reads peoples emails. I do agree that something will probably go down in china. I think after the US dollar collapses, china will inevitably collapse since they depend on the US economy so much. Imagine hundreds of millions of unemployed impovrished chinese. Can any government control such a mass of hummanity?[/quote] Not millions, billions. Well billion not billions.
[quote name='"Bajhshot"'] Agreed. Wonder how powerful Monsanto would be if it didnt have the FDA and such in its pocket. Its when government has the authority to mandate and control that things like this are bound to happen. It is a natural conflict of interest that cannot be removed from what is intrinsically part of government.[/quote] Doesn't Monsanto have enough money to hire their own cops?
Cops without the legal use of force provided by government aren't cops, they are security guards. The security guards of a private firm have no power to take away the rights of the people. Businesses would have no power of coercion without the state. The people who say that corporations would have more power and control in a free market ignore the glaring contradiction that corporations heavily prefer a controlled, fascist economy over a free market. The reason is obvious. A free market engenders fierce competition and transfers power to the consumer.
Every thread in here. No matter what your talking about always ends up being a corporation/government thread.
Not to mention the rather obvious fact that Monsanto wouldn't have gotten the kind of money they have today without the state influence keeping competition at bay.