reverse roll/inside out joint TROUBLESHOOTING

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by fakesister, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. Hello, smokers
    So today I decided I was going to learn how to do the reverse roll joint. I'm pretty good at doing normal cylanders so I figured it wouldn't be too hard, so I watched a few youtube videos and rolled about 15 failures. the rolling part is not the issue, the issue is getting it to stick...I'm sure that the place that I am licking is the right place, but it won't stick and they always fall apart as soon as I let go.

    Ive only tried with hempfire papers and smoking papers...could it be that these papers don't stick as well as others?? or something? Because I'm licking quite a lot, also.
    Thank you! Groovy vibes to all!
  2. I've only done it a few times, and had a few failures. I haven't practiced it enough to get it down, but I do know the thickness of the paper has a lot to do with it. I was using zig-zag ultra thins.
  3. Thinner papers would work better than the thick ones.
  4. You're probably licking it too much. As soon as its wet enough to reach through the paper to the glue you need to stop. That's only slightly more than you need to lick a normally rolled joint. I've done it a handful of times and I've never had an issue.
  5. I've been rolling like this for years. Your probably over handling it . Once you lick it and smooth it down, leave it alone for 10 - 15 seconds. Papers are easiest to use, hemp and natural fibre (raw) take a little more care. ere is a vid I put up a while ago. Happy toking my brothers.

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