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Revegging?? How to take her out of flower??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by mx_playa, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. #1 mx_playa, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2009
    Hey guys, My buddy is giving me his plant when she is all flowered out but he wants the Herb off her, So can I just cut off the buds and Put her back into 24hrs of light under my MH and make her start growing again???:smoke:

    Please Help??

  2. As long as you leave a healthy branch (and buds) on the plant. Cut off everything else, and the branch will become your main plant.
  3. Thanks John, But can you explain this to me in a lil more depth?
    Are you sayin that the one branch that I leave the buds and all on will actually grew new limps off it once I put it back under the MH?? or will the whole plant grow new limbs off it... even where I cut the buds off the limbs?
  4. I've never revegged a plant, but you are litteraly using the branch like a flowering clone. Instead of rooting the clone, you are using the roots from the plant.
    Revegging is a total waste of time, unless you want to save genetics. You would be better to starting off from scratch, from seed or clone. By the time you reveg the plant, you could have a fresh young seedling or clone, around 2 weeks old, i'd probably say that either would yield more than the plant that needs revegging.
    Maybe a member who has revegged a plant might chime in here.
  5. You can reveg a plant, but honestly, the best thing to do might be taking a clone from one of her bottom branches. Most likely when he harvest her, he's going to leave her not only stressed to holy hell, but also looking incredibly odd. I've seen pictures where people have revegged plants, and it's possible, but the plant looks alien almost lol.

    Think Charlie Brown's Christmas tree, except with a few oddball branches and buds coming off of it.

    Most look like one tall stem, and a couple branches where it seems like a whole new plant grew out sideways from the stem... You may get some dank nugs back out of her, but you won't win any awards for having a pretty plant lol.
  6. HAHA thanks you guys! Makes total sence now... So now say I take a clone off a bottom branch instead of reveggin' her back to life....
    Will the clone do much? I mean it would have one lil fluffy bud on top of it and basically no branches... what now ?:p
  7. Please fill in the blanks for me of how this clone will react....
  8. #9 dragonsfire1988, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2009

    Clones are best taken during the Veg state so you cut growing time in half (that is, from seedling). If you take a clone during flower it's basically the same as just revegging your plant, ya know. You have to wait until the "mother" plant is mature, meaning it has alternating nodes and shows pre-flowers (that way you know it's a 'mommy' :p) but BEFORE you actually flower the mother.

    I am not sure on the specifics of cloning, but you need some kind of cloning solution to dip the base of the 'branch' into...that promotes root growth. It is basically just a branch, or a smaller version of the "mother" should have 3-5 nodes, all of which are alternating. Then you stick it in a small batch of soil until it develops it's roots, then you transplant to it's final container for flowering.

    Cloning is the most efficient way of continuing a grow. You are basically starting out with an already-mature plant that is ready for flowering almost immediately. Not only that, but it is GUARANTEED Female, as long as it came from a female plant.

    Check out/Search the Advanced Growing section. It has a wealth of information, and a guide for cloning.

    Good Luck!!

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