Revegging after harvest?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by pookieass07, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. I know that this is probably a dumb question but here it goes. I didn't know what to search for to find the answer to I ask this question at the risk of being laughed at and ridiculed.

    I am having an argument with a friend right now about whether or not you can reveg a plant after harvested. Instead of chopping a plant down completely what if you were to just cut off the side shutes and in the process fimming the branches. Would the plant grow back with two shutes instead of just the one? And if so, would the bud be the same? or would the plant be weak and stunted.

    He says that it should work, I say that it wouldn't. If it worked, wouldn't more people do it?

    Anyway, someone please prove either me or him wrong. Thanks.
  2. im not 100%, but that sounds like it wouldnt work cuz u would pretty much kill the plant from the stress.
  3. i have heard or cutting off the old growth and revegging in 18-6 but the potency is dimminished
  4. thats what I was thinking. I heard once somewhere that you could reveg but that everytime you did the potency went down.
  5. Sounds to me like you're friend is thinking about it from more of a science perspective. Theoretically, it should work.

    I agree though that the resulting stress on the plant might do it in.

    I'm not positive, but I think that if you were to cut the plant down a substantial amount, or even all the way back to a single stem, the established root system would allow your plant to put out new shoots faster than cloning or germination would, and the potency of the bud from those new shoots shouldn't be affected since they're once removed from the original branches.
  6. That's ridiculous. Props to you man. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I looked at your thread and there are a few little things that I'm still not sure about. I'm not at that stage yet but in about 2 weeks when I harvest I will shoot you a PM to figure everything out. Thanks for the reply.
  7. Sure thing, drop me a line anytime. It's been more exciting this time around re-vegging than working with seeds :smoke:

    Peace - OGH

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