Reuse soil

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dathaze, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. I have been scrolling posts and I was wondering, can you reuse the soil after full harvest? FFOF. Not to say completely through vegetation, but what about reusing soil for seedlings?? I'm just wondering
  2. I just did that.....about 2 weeks ago....and the plants that were in it did/are doing just fine......Im using Roots Organic Formula 707 though
  3. This is the whole topic on the organic forum. It is almost a religion over there. Me? No, I would not reuse soil at all until all the old roots have broken down, which if left just by itself doing nothing takes about a year if kept moist. Now, it's not that big of a deal, you just need tubs to store the old soil. Then that is your new starter mix for your secret super soil. Then you'll get some worms, make some compost and before you know it, you like growing soil more than you like growing pot.
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  4. good question. haven't

    organic compost growers can reuse.
    He probably doesn't have the room or space to do all that. He's asking if he can just use his used potting soil again.

    try it and come back to this post to let us know how it went. I'm sure you can if you're using bottle nutes

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