reunion with the green god

Discussion in 'General' started by nugsRus, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. 7 months since my last toke cause of i got my ass busted and i hit up the mall today and scored a nice nic of some good looking mersh and i cant wait to smoke this shit but what to smoke it out of my beloved hookah or a simple J for old time sake:smoke: god im gonna be riped with such low tolerance
  2. whoa whoa whoa what?? schwag 5sack...blown!? whoa lucky lucky you if u can get blasted off that... god id be rich if i got blown off 5dollars of schwag
  3. its a pretty fat sack and with zero tolerance im hopeing for the best
  4. hoping for the best is always good. I would wait to get some dank if i were you, to really fuck your ass up.
  5. i would like to but i dont have the ends right now and all these damn newbie drug dealers are comeing around dealing there schwag as bomb ass chornic and what not so i just said screw it and grabed some schwag lost all my contacts after the arrest
  6. congrats on getting through everything!
  7. heheh never said i was :D on that subject wouldnt just a jay worth of schwag stay in my system for no longer then 5 days with a full scale lab drugtest?
  8. a week. and if u have another test coming up then i'd drink plenty of water to make sure it was out in that week.
  9. thank you chez thats helpfull :)

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