I got caught for retail theft stealing a bunch of robo once, undercover shopper, the manager was cool though and would have just let me off with a warning and called my parents and not let me ocome back to the store for awhile but Fuck the undercover shopper dude called the popo and the funny thing was im like hey dude can I use the bathroom and hes like do you got drugs on you or something you need to gte rid of and i kinda laughed and said yeahh and hes like alright ill take you down to the bathroom quick before that guy sees you and i just through my little spoon i had at the time away i ended up just getting fined and banned from the store for awhile and shit sucjs though the fine was 175 dollas
Hope you learned your lesson. Talking about stealing isn\'t something that we promote at the City, which is why I\'m closing this thread.