Clones 8 weeks old 3 weeks from last transplant Coco, perlite 50:50 10L pots Watered 2L once a week Nutes once a week w/watering Mars 300, 18" away Could this be calmag def?
Yeah takes that long to get dry. Top dries in a day but the weight of pot doesn't go till approx 7 days Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Thanks for the response im going to repot tonight in fabric pots and flush. Hopefully that sorts it. I don't understand how they've burnt though? Im feeding roughly the same as when they were alot smaller/younger Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Bro that don't look like nute burn... I would check the ph at the root zone... but still switch to the fabric pots... Cuz if it takes 7 days for coco to dry out you have a drainage issue... you should have to water coco everyday and you should be using cal mag and nutes eveytime you water...
ph will just cause lockout and that surly is not lockout.... But opinions are like assholes, everyone has one... lol You're right about the drainage though...
Spot on it is not nute burn. Affects the tips mostly. Turns out this is a simple underfeed. My schedule was: 1.5L water / 2ml biobizz grow / 0.5ml superthrive / 0.5 mal rhiz / 1.75 ml calmag Just transplanted to 9L fabric pots and fed: 1.5L water / 4ml biobizz grow / 0.5ml superthrive / 0.5ml rhiz / 3.5ml calmag Lets see wagwarn next week Btw i have measuring spoons. 1 tbsp, 1/2 tbsp etc and thats the ml that fit in their respective spoons. Hence the weird 1.75 ml measurements lol. Saves so much time. Thanks for all comments. peace Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
RIGHT, shits got alot fucking worse Theres a funny dead grass smell coming off them. Just flushed them now. Check this pics and see what you think fellas... jobs fucked?