Restrictions on the right to bear arms

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Danklicious., May 24, 2010.

  1. Probably, hence the reason you pull the trigger before the bad guy does:confused_2::rolleyes:

  2. He probably meant that if you're getting robbed at gunpoint, and pull out your own gun, you're more likely to get shot. Come on, you understood that right?
  3. Yeah, you're right. i disagree with your opinion, so I must be a complete dumbass. :rolleyes:

  4. I called you a dumbass? Wow, Im sorry. I didnt even realize I posted that:eek:
  5. You implied it. Unless of course, you don't consider showing off and randomly pointing a gun at people to be the actions of a dumbass.
  6. It would be implied if I actually thought that is something you would do.

    You say its more likely to get shot when you are being robbed, and you have your own gun. Now whats stopping the robbers from killing them anyway? Its not because he is a nice person.
  7. What's stopping them is the possibility of going to jail for life. Armed robbery is bad enough, murder means game over. It's not like criminals aren't aware of that. You pull out a gun, and that shit goes out the window. It's either kill or be killed. That's a game I'd rather not play.
  8. Im pretty sure if he didnt want to go to jail, he wouldnt be robbing people in the first place...

    Pulling out a gun yourself doesnt mean he is going to automatically fire, and even if he does, there is no way he is aiming in the slightest.
  9. Robbers are not retarded people. They are also not necessarily evil people that will kill somebody at what ever chance they get. They probably don't want to shoot you, they just want to rob you. If you point a gun at them, the element of self defence comes into play for them. Anyway, this is a useless discussion until we get a 1000 people to walk around Compton in the middle of the night, half with guns and half without, and see which group dies more in robberies.

    I'm no armed robber, but I think I'd rather be charged with armed robbery than murder.
  10. The USA has 11.66 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 population in one year.

    Countries with strict gun restrictions have much lower figures
    Sweden- 2.36
    Germany - 1.57
    England - 0.46
    Japan - 0.07

    Data speaks for its self really...
  11. #111 mushroomsatsuji, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2010
    Im no armed robber either, but I would rather kill any witnesses with a stolen gun than go to prison. You have witnesses, you have a better chance of being caught.

    Now the discussion that really that is in play here is the right to concealed carry. States that pass this show a lower crime rate. Robbers are a little more apprehensive when they dont know if the other guy has a gun, rather in states that dont have it and he KNOWS they dont have a gun.

    Granted the best course of action in these situations, with or without a gun, is to comply. You wont just whip out a 9mm at the guy. That will cause him to fire.

    Knowing when to use the weapon seems to be your concern. It is my belief that firearm safety training should be mandatory.

    So your opinion is to have stricter gun policies? It works there. It wont work here.

    Oh, and btw. Germany had very strict gun policies during WWII as well...
  12. ^ You're right it probably wouldn't work there, since America seems to be so indoctrinated into gun culture and what not. Germany also had a psychopathic, maniacal dictator in power during WWII btw
  13. Ok so why won't it work in America? Because there are too many guns already? Because guns are too deeply embedded in your culture? Why?

    By the way, contrary to popular belief, Hitler actually loosened gun laws.
  14. 2nd Amendment. Theres a reason we have it.

    America is probably the one nation no one would ever dare to invade.

    Yes, Germany had power hungry Dictator. And guess what. They had no choice but to follow because what happens when people without guns, stand up to people with guns?
    Again, 2nd Amendment.

    Making gun laws stricter will do only ONE thing. Keep them in the hands of the robbers.
  15. Most likely will get flamed for this but I support gun restrictions. Sure a criminal could get a gun elsewhere but the small fries who break into your house to rob your TV and phones probably would not be able to get their hands on them. Also they would be less likely to carry them if they know the owner isn't armed to the teeth. Then again, I'm not from America and I know there is a strong support to bear arms for 'freedom', I honestly do not think something which can take someone's life away has anything to do with freedom. Just my thoughts.

  16. I see your point man, I see your point. I'm undecided on the issue, just got curious and thought I would throw some "data" out there.
  17. The small fries can get a gun. Its very easy. In fact, pretty much all the small fries have guns...

    If you want to know how guns equal freedom, look at our history

    Gun Facts - Gun Control | Facts | Debunk | Myths

    Might want to look at that
  18. This is my entire point...
  19. I was talking in more broader terms in relation to the whole world, here in the UK at least in the parts I live it's pretty unlikely that a mugger/robber will have a gun, only coke dealers and bank robbers. If anything the small fries over here carry around BB guns.

    Yep they did equal freedom during the civil war, but in modern day America there isn't exactly a group that poses a serious threat to the average citizen.
  20. So should I assume you agree with mandatory training?
    Supposedly, they are called al-qaeda

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