Rest in Pieces

Discussion in 'General' started by Grandaddy559, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. the other day i was at a friends house jus smoking n hangin out and after we were done i emptied my bubbler and set it on my lap and totally forgot about it and when i stood up it fell to its death:( RIP Flash

    any of you guys have stories in memory of pieces feel free to add to this thread
  2. R.I.P Flash what you brought to some people made them feel amazing I hope you get Buddha high up in land of bubblers
  3. Flash is in stoner heaven mayne :')
  4. AHAHAHAHAHAHHA, I'm dying.

    That atleast had to happen to most of us. The, "oh shit, I was high I forgot I had that on my lap" cause you know we damn well to lazy & high to put it somewhere more convinent
  5. Flash what were you doing sitting in another man's lap anyway. Hopefully you get recycled and become a wine glass at the HOVA residence
  6. Man..

    Been there. Twice.

    I roasted a bowl in the parking lot of my old therapist's office and then got out of my truck with my favorite pipe in my lap :cry:

    I was pissed.

    The other time I was sitting in a garage with a concrete floor and I had my girl's steamroller on my lap, stood up and it got merc'd.

    She was pissed.
  7. I've had a few close encounters. I just bought a grav-lab ice pinch slide,
    after 3 seshes it got stuck in my homemade slide holder. I tried pulling out and broke the handle right off the bowl. (still use able)

    I've broken a few slides but never a pipe or bong.

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