Anyone wanna play Resistance:Fall Of Man, online with me? haha, shit I forgot my screen name thing... HyphyPerk I think.... there might be a space in there. lol, I JUST started playing online a few days ago and i've played a total of jus a few hours. lol
I don't have that game but my screen name is eleven357 on the PS3 as well as on the 360. PS - I have been playing Halo 3 lately.
truthfully, idk what to do with your screen name man. I jus got it connects to the internet and i've played on it a total of prolly 4 hours online. I dont ahve any online gammers friends or anything. IN fact, i got a "message" but idk how to look at it. but it told me I had one =/ lol. it's SOOOO confusing!