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Resin questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackman6123, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. I am pretty new to smoking and resin is starting to build up in my pipe. It is currently blocking the hole of the bowl and I am wondering if I am supposed to clear the hole or just leave the resin there. I also am wondering if resin will eventually build up to the point that I can just smoke resin for a session? My friend said resin will just be there and you get resin hits with the bowl of weed. Thanks
  2. Eventually resin will clog your pipe to the point where you won't be able to smoke out of it. You can scrape the resin and hit it but honestly it tastes nasty and the high is short lived. Better off cleaning your piece.
  3. I'm not a big fan or resin, some people are. To me it tastes bad and gives me a headache. I always think a clean pipe tastes and rips a lot better. Yes, you can take resin hits with a pipe if there is enough resin in it to do so.
  4. smoking resin is a waste of time, it fucks up your lungs and tastes horrible, clean your piece(S)
  5. I only smoke res when I don't have any weed or hash, and I have nothing better to do. It tastes like pure shit.
  6. res taste sooooo bad.
  7. Smoking res is debatable. I say it's fine and does indeed get you high without a headache if it came from descent bud. It's not just "tar" as many say.

    You should clean out the hole so you can get a good hit. Use a paper clip or a small screwdriver.

    Let the res build up then scrape it. Don't take res hits out of the bowl. Even a high quality piece will eventually crack if you do this.
  8. Thanks man
  9. I've been smoking res out of my glass bong. When I want to get baked but have no bud, I just scrape the res, rub it on some stems, and smoke it. How does it crack the piece? What should I do to smoke the resin if I can't use my bong?
  10. Damn. Imma start a rebellion up in GC cuz I LOVE my resin.

    Signed by - The Resinators
  11. idk if i was desperate for a high i would smoke resign but it is just such an awful taste, but the high isnt bad.
  12. Most people will clear the hole. A few will actually smoke it, but most prefer not de to the awful taste. But when times are hard, you gotta do, what you gotta do.
  13. If you smoked good bud out of it the whole time or atleast most of the time then the resin isn't that bad,it taste better then tobacco that for sure.And yeah my sister's pipe was full with a good amount of resin and when we ran out of bud we took soooooo many milky hits from it ,it was like a dream come true.
  14. lol too right man. last time i smoked the resin i was dry no weed for 2 days and i was tweaking so i scraped it out and smoked it...

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