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Resin more potent than marijuana?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by m3t4lm4n222, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 m3t4lm4n222, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    I doubt this is true, but is it possible that Resin is more potent than Marijuana? The reason I ask is that I smoked a little ball of resin once and got like 3 nice hits out of it. I just scraped my bong after smoking about ~10Grams. I scrapped it pretty good and got a single bowls worth (The bowl is pretty small) (Acryl bong clear - English - A bit bigger than that one. Anyways, it usually takes around two bowls before I feel a real nice high (I'm not someone who enjoys a simple buzz) Anyways so you think it'll get me high? I'm drinking some twig tea (With very little "TWIGS") as well. I usually wouldn't smoke resin, but I can't just go grab some bud early in the morning (Not to mention I don't have much money at the moment)
  2. Smoke it, but its not gonna be great, alot of people hate on resin but whatever.
    I wouldnt use any resin that has been in contact with water, that shit is crusty. Twigs, u mean stems?
  3. Some people don't like it but I personally don't mind it
  4. No way Jose.

    No way is the tar from the plant any more potent.
  5. to me resin is like hash in a way. i think its just as potent.
  6. resin gets me pretty up there even if its a small amount
  7. ya i get what your sayin. cause usually you only have a small amount of resin any ways. and that small amount gets you pretty high :hello:
  8. No, never, ever.
  9. resin gives me a light high. No matter how much i smoke.

    Now hash puts me to sleep. :)
  10. naw, rez is good when ur dry. but id rather smoke something green instead u'know?
  11. I tried it years ago and I got more of a headache than a high. No way is it like weed or hash, not even close - at least in my experience.
  12. Resin is like fucktard hash.

    Itll do the job but meh ya know.
  13. I keep saying it.

    What you are smoking is not resin. It is tar. It does contain THC, but it also contains a lot of nasty crap too. Proper resin is pretty much hash.

    It will get you high of course, there is no argument about that. The question is do you really want to smoke something unhealthy and that tastes of ass?
  14. In england resin is usualy just soap bar which is cut with alsorts of crap, tastes nice in bongs though. It is possible to get realy strong res though.
  15. Idk i can get a pretty good high from resin but usually it lasts >hour unless im smoking like a fat bowl of it. It always feels more narcotic like hash but it's nothing in comparison to good hash.
  16. #16 TwztedElegance, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    it probably gets you guys high coz you desperately smoke it during a period where you probably weren't smoking for a bit due to being dry (hence the desparation) and so your tolerance is probably lower then. there's no way its more potent than the bud it came from lol, how is that even possible? and PLEASE don't say resin is hash. resin from VAPING is pretty much hash oil but the resin on your smoking pieces is nasty shit

    oh yeah and since it was mentioned, obviously im talking about the resin from your pieces, not the resin directly from the plants XD
  17. res has same thc contente as the weed it came from (at least the high is the same) even if the res has been in contact with water
  18. No... It's not the same.... People just get the placebo effect... Resin is mostly tar... Not that great for you.
    Uh huh. Please, do go on.
  20. #20 invinciblejets, Sep 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2014
    You've been here for awhile you should know better than reviving a 3 yo thread on a topic that has been beatin to death!
    Your also wrong but I'm not going to get into it with you about why because the search bar is always there

    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Grasscity Forum..grabba dabba goo

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