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Resin Bowl's

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by toHiGh420, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. We all sometimes find our self's without our favorite lady Mary Jane. :(

    I am about to get a big whopping of butane and blackened resin because i am currently out of ganja. This thread is dedicated to the not so fun resin hits. Here is mine :eek:

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  2. I've been there. Nowadays though, when I'm out, I prefer to just take a short t-break. I doubt it actually affects tolerance, but taking breaks every now and then makes me feel better about the (probably shitty) condition of my lungs.

    Plus, I've never gotten more than a tiny buzz off res.
  3. didnt smoke enough. i only smoke it when i have a nice fat ball. to know whether youve smoked enough or not it should take you 15 - 30 minutes of continuous smoking to finish your rez ball. then you know youve taken enough. after that halfhour your soaring:hello:
  4. i get a light high on res. I smoked some last night but i found a nug in my pocket so back on some weed for now :)
  5. when i smoke resin i make kief and resin balls gets you way higher and you cant taste the resin

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