Request for Help with Diagnosis

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Hbnrmz, Feb 10, 2024.

  1. Hey everyone, I'm reaching out for some assistance in diagnosing a few issues I've encountered, which I'll illustrate with photos. Firstly, I've come across some unidentified bugs. Secondly, there are light spots appearing on many leaves. Another issue involves brown spots, along with the older leaves' tips curling. The plants are young, recently transitioning into the flowering phase, but these problems began during the vegetative stage and are worsening. They're in a hydroponic setup, nourished with pH Perfect nutrients (Micro, Grow, Bloom) and supplemented with CALMAG.

    Attached Files:

  2. You have a serious bug problem.
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  3. Looks like spider mites for sure and possibly something else in there as well.

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  4. What actions do you recommend for a 'bug problem'?
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  5. Neem + pyrethrin. You can try Safer's EndAll. Diatomaceous Earth in some cases. Sticky Yellow pads should always be present.
    There are other treatments, more aggressive, but that's a good start.
    You can also look into predator mites, take a day or two for companies to ship them out to you. They'll hunt down the mites and eat them.
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  6. What are the main causes of bugs, in your experience?
  7. try Spinosad that will get rid of insects ...but dont use it if you have buds , mac,
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  8. bad programmers ;)

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