Republicans Vote To Repeal Obama-Backed Bill That Would Destroy Asteroid[s]

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PhillGates, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Republicans Vote To Repeal Obama-Backed Bill That Would Destroy Asteroid Headed For Earth | The Onion - America's Finest News Source


  2. This must be to counter the gaypill.
  3. So we're gonna get hit by a 8 mile wide asteroid??
  4. Woah now. When is this asteroid supposed to hit? I didnt know the world was supposed to Die soon....thats kinda big news if its true.
  5. It's The Onion, people...
  6. ohh shit I didnt even see that
  7. It's funny how the Onion is getting more and more convincing. I got to the 2nd or 3rd paragraph before I stopped to think it might be satire, because that's how ridiculous republicans have been lately.
  8. "We believe that the decisions of how to deal with the massive asteroid are best left to the individual"

    That line made me realize it was The Onion, I found it to be quite believable until then.

  9. I think it's just more and more partisan.

    Was the Onion ever bought out by Viacom? I know they're on Comedy Central now...

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